differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of
phylum arthropoda?

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differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?..

Answer / abhilash

apterygopta: wingless,primitive insects.metamorphosis is
slight or absent.adult with one or more abdominal
pterygota:winged,sometimes secondarily apterous.
metamorphosis varied slight or wanting.
adults with pregenital abdominal aegments.
it is further divided into exopterygota and endopterygota.

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differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?..

Answer / akash deshmukh

Apterygota - primary wingless means evolve from the wingless ancestor
2.mandibular articulation at single point it means monocondylic
3.adult hving the pregenital appendages
4.metamorphosis is totaly absent or slight
5.adults molts several times
6.plural sulcus in thorax is absent

Pterygota- 1.$econdary winglles 2.metamorphosis is present
3.preginatal abdominal appendages absent4.adults donot moults 5.dicondylic
Further divided into rxopterygota n endopterygota

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differentiate apterygota and pterygota subclasses of phylum arthropoda?..

Answer / master daniel abese yeboah

Apterygota:They are the wingless insect or insect without wings whether being internal or external
Pterygota: They are the winged insect or insect with wings and are group into two classes that is the endopterygota meaning possession of internal wing and exopterygota meaning possession of external wing.

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