Where should I get all the test's results If I ran the
scripts in Batch run.
At the result window I found only last test result.
Could any one help me on this?

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Hi, Where should I get all the test's results If I ran the scripts in Batch run. At the res..

Answer / ajay

If you Open Result window it will show up current run
result.If you need previouse run result in the result
window open file menu you can find all set results.

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Hi, Where should I get all the test's results If I ran the scripts in Batch run. At the res..

Answer / prakash

If we maintain Log file(like html/excel/...), Then we can see all Result files.

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Hi, Where should I get all the test's results If I ran the scripts in Batch run. At the res..

Answer / deepakm82

Hey you need a test management tool like Quality Center to
do the stuff u asking for.
But if u will run in temporary folder then after each
execution you need to move the result file to a new path
beacuse if you wud run another script or again execute the
previous script then the results would overwrite the
previous results.

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