Hi, I have H1b approval for 2008 quota; I have not gone for
Visa interview so far. I am planning to go for an interview
in January 2009. Will there be any issue if I delay my
interview schedule as US economy is going down steadily.

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Hi, I have H1b approval for 2008 quota; I have not gone for Visa interview so far. I am planning t..

Answer / e3visa

You will be fine to go at any time. The only concern is
whether your sponsor company wants you earlier.


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Hi, I have H1b approval for 2008 quota; I have not gone for Visa interview so far. I am planning t..

Answer / sudhakar

Hi, I have H1b approval for 2009 quota; I have not gone for
Visa interview so far. I am planning to go for an interview
in month of may. Will there be any issue if I delay my
interview schedule as US economy is going down steadily.

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Hi, I have H1b approval for 2008 quota; I have not gone for Visa interview so far. I am planning t..

Answer / suri

No Problem you can go to interview at any time.its beeter
to go as late as possible as per the economy condition.

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