USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Have you been to US before?

1 4729

Why do you want to visit US?

3 30575

How many children you have?

1 4340

What are they doing?

2 4786

Have you visited UK?


1 6383

What is your son in USA doing?

3 5052

How long do you want stay in US?


11 18453

Do you have any property?

5 8319

Are your parents alive?

3 8223

Then who will look after the property in your absence?

3 6753

Did your son send any sponsor documents?

3 6133

Which place you will visit in USA?

US Consulate,

3 7115

Where will you stay in US?

3 8092

Who is in USA?


3 6764

Who is sponsoring you?

2 17532

Post New USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa Questions

Un-Answered Questions { USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa }

Hi good people after I have been denied the us visa 2012 for the organization conference, my best friend invited me with litter to visit her 2013 and I was also denied for that am wondering if I can still apply for us visa again .


My husband and I both possess US visas and would like to travel soon. We would like to travel with our 7 month old daugther who does not have one. What is the possibility of her getting one so that we can travel together.


i want to go to us on visitors visa to give entrance exama s for dds. so pplz guide me in interview whether i shud disclose that my brother is there or not


I have both the C1/D visa and the B1/2 visa, which were granted on the same date and will expire on the same date. I no longer work for the airline anymore; will I still be able to use the B1/2 to enter the US? As a tourist? Thanks


the local address mentiond in my passport has been changed. will it effect my interview for getting B1 visa for US


I have GRE score of 960 & TOEFL 87. And workex of 8 months in an IT firm. I have received i-20 from IIT, chicago. I wanted to know that, wht they ask me that why low score in GRE?


my brother and bhabhi are settleed in usa. my bhabhi is pregnant. i want to go to usa to meet them on tourist visa. what should i say to consulate in embassy.


my husband is on f1 f2 visa rejected twice on the basis of insufficient funds.pls advice me wat to do i elligible for visit visa when should i apply for that


im recently married. my husband had 2 years of h1 visa and he worked there 1 year back he is back in india his visa got expired this november. now we are trying for a visitors visa showing that my husband is working in india since 1 year..... im a house wife.... what type of questions would i face in the interview.


Hi , i'm Mostafa i'm 20 Years old .. and my interview is after 3 days .. i intend to go and spend 3 weeks with friends in New York .. but what should i answer on " Why Are You going to USA ?! "


I applied for a B1/B2 visitor visa in May and went to lagos for the interview although i was going to attend a training programme( Faith internaqtional training school) which was going to last for 5 months. i stated i will be staying in the USA for 5 months and i never lost a passport and have not travelled within the last 5 years but i am married with a son working with the local government and salaRY #180,000 Had all the necessary documents to back up my claims yet i was denied under the 214b sectiion, was issued the blue paper and the VO didnot check any of my documents. I have rebook the appointment again for this month next week although made changes to my previous claim that i lost an old passport with three countries visas, GHANA, PORTUGAL , ROMANIA where i visited sometime ago and got a reissued passport which is not carrying any VISAS as at now and also stated that that i will be staying in the USA for only 10 days as my church which recomended me for the training expect to return after ten days of the spiritual enrichment programme to be ordained a pastor . Do you think my past record could be used against me and what are my chances for getting the Visa now going to the embassy at Abuja ????


We are residents from UAE and my 2 children doing higher studies in USA and i want to apply for B2 Visa and we have got land , building properties and i can self sponsor for the visit. Am i eligible to go . what sould i do ? Please reply to


Hi My name is Tarak, I recently got Job in a company XYZ, only 10 days before , I got My passport In tatkaal 10 days before, and my company XYZ want me to go to US for 2 months for training can I apply for B1VISA , and what will be the sucess ratio thanks


Hi, I would be travelling to US on my H1B visa soon and i plan to bring my kid (2 years old) and my parents to US for sometime during the month of Jan 2011.. My mother has already once travelled to US on a visitor visa.. My question is, my kid doesnt have a dependant visa, and later in the month of Jan 2011, I would not be able to return to india to get her visa stamped. But I still want her to travel to US (along with my parents) and reside with me for few days. Hence in this scenario please let me know if my kid can get a visitor/toursit visa instead of dependant visa? Regards, Snigdha


I apply visitor visa and two time I face interview in Kuwait, one time in Sri Lanka 3 time,But I am faild the interview,They ask about the ties I everthing is show them who interview me the consulaer please can you explain to me. Thank you