USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Have you been to US before?

1 4538

Why do you want to visit US?

3 30314

How many children you have?

1 4181

What are they doing?

2 4598

Have you visited UK?


1 6216

What is your son in USA doing?

3 4804

How long do you want stay in US?


11 17820

Do you have any property?

5 8010

Are your parents alive?

3 7787

Then who will look after the property in your absence?

3 6350

Did your son send any sponsor documents?

3 5790

Which place you will visit in USA?

US Consulate,

3 6861

Where will you stay in US?

3 7863

Who is in USA?


3 6545

Who is sponsoring you?

2 17155

Post New USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa Questions

Un-Answered Questions { USA Visitor Visa B2 Visa }

Hi good people after I have been denied the us visa 2012 for the organization conference, my best friend invited me with litter to visit her 2013 and I was also denied for that am wondering if I can still apply for us visa again .


Hi everybody i am from saudi arabia and I am going to apply for visa B2 from Dahran city in East Area so what kind of questions they will ask me.


if both of your kids are in US, why will you come back to India? You might stay there.


I have got 5yrs multiple B1/B2 visa. I have visited USA in Aug10 alone. Now i am planing to visit again with my wife young daughter of 4months age. What are the documents do i need for now? What question my wife can expect from Visa officer on the day of interview ?


I applied for a B1/B2 visitor visa in May and went to lagos for the interview although i was going to attend a training programme( Faith internaqtional training school) which was going to last for 5 months. i stated i will be staying in the USA for 5 months and i never lost a passport and have not travelled within the last 5 years but i am married with a son working with the local government and salaRY #180,000 Had all the necessary documents to back up my claims yet i was denied under the 214b sectiion, was issued the blue paper and the VO didnot check any of my documents. I have rebook the appointment again for this month next week although made changes to my previous claim that i lost an old passport with three countries visas, GHANA, PORTUGAL , ROMANIA where i visited sometime ago and got a reissued passport which is not carrying any VISAS as at now and also stated that that i will be staying in the USA for only 10 days as my church which recomended me for the training expect to return after ten days of the spiritual enrichment programme to be ordained a pastor . Do you think my past record could be used against me and what are my chances for getting the Visa now going to the embassy at Abuja ????


I want to attend an international conference in USA to present my paper. am a Ph.D student. I have a visa interview on 6th october 2010. what should be my minimum bank balance? yet to get a travel grant letters from govt. funding agencies.


i want to do CPA, for that i have to go to US for 15days, pls tell me that can i get B1 or B2 visa


my boy friend is in USA. his a citizen of US for over 10 years now and working. i want to go for visit, for 1 month. i don't want to stay there with he now, until we get married. pls can u tell me what is involved. the necessary document i needed for the trip and what to do. thanks


Hi, I got B2 visa for ten years. I visited U.S three times and returned back within scheduled time stipulated by U.S immigration authorities. Last visit is from 8th May to Oct 20th of 2010. Now I want to renew my visa for further period of 5 or 10 years. I would like to know the procedure and required papers.


I apply visitor visa and two time I face interview in Kuwait, one time in Sri Lanka 3 time,But I am faild the interview,They ask about the ties I everthing is show them who interview me the consulaer please can you explain to me. Thank you


my brother and bhabhi are settleed in usa. my bhabhi is pregnant. i want to go to usa to meet them on tourist visa. what should i say to consulate in embassy.


i want to go to us on visitors visa to give entrance exama s for dds. so pplz guide me in interview whether i shud disclose that my brother is there or not


I had applied for the US visitor visa from Calgary,Canada in Jan,2010. But my visa was rejected saying that I did not show them any bond with Canada and they doubted my returning back from US. The reason was as I did not have any property on Canada and no family in Canada as well. But I still have the same condition. I don't know why would they do that even though I am Permanent Resident in Canada. Should I try the visa again and from India my home country. Thankyou Manu


I have a visitor's visa for 10 years which is still valid Now I may be invited to participate in a cultural festival in the U S with out any monetary considerations. Can I enter U S on the same Visa


My friend send me an invitation letter to play a role in the festival holding at his restaurant for one week