public void A() {
int x;
x = 8;
x *= 4 + 8 / 2;
Given the above code, what is the value of "x"?

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public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / chandusrit

x*=4+8/2 =====> x=x*(4+8/2)
This is correct and the answer is 64

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 3 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / prasad

answer is 64

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / sasi

64 is the correct answer, i will check it practically

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 1 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / aspdev556

Sorry for the confusion, figured it out.
x = x * 4 + 8 / 2 only multiplies x by 4 not the whole

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / aspdev556

Although if you place the same thing like:
x = x * 4 + 8 / 2;
this yields 36 which was my first guess.
How come its producing two different results? Aren't the
assignment statements suppose to get the same result?

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / vinodh kumar

operator precedence...
* / % + -

x = x * 4 + 8 / 2;

(i) x*(4+(8/2))
(ii) x*(4+4)
(iii) x*8 => Replace x with 8 as per question :P

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 2 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / m upendra reddy

i t will foloows the rule of BADMAS
THAT'S why first it caliculate ,like first checks is there
any divisions then caliculate and then multiplictations

then x=x*4;==>8*4=32;

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 6 No

public void A() { int x; x = 8; x *= 4 + 8 / 2; } Given the above code, what is the value o..

Answer / nitin


The Anwere is 48

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 16 No

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