Please Anybody tell me,Who is going to do Smoke and Sanity
Testing i.e. Developer or tester ?
Watershed Infotech,Pune
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Answer / bala
Nice Babu In Which Muncipal Corporation U R working.And Ur
High teck Sanity worker of that Corporation Who use This
nice web site this Bad way.Ok Never Mind that is nt ur
fault u thought as per ur work.
If u Want any more Sanity work Contact to
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Answer / harsha
Smoke Testing:-
This is an intial testing performed on thebuild
displayed n test envoronment by the developement teamIt is
a quick check performed on every build to evaluate its
stabilty before it is accepted for extensive test execution.
Sanity Testing:-
The build stability is evaluated by the team lead and
also by the developer in some situations by conserding the
pre conditions and basic functionalites
If Iam wrong in answering to ur question plaz fell free to
correct me on 09441141613 or mail me at
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Answer / qa engineer
As per my view
Both we do at the time of initial level to measure stability
of a new build. but bit difference is
Sanity : doing testing on entire application randomly on any
Smoke : we do testing on specific areas only
But in the common both carry the same meaning.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 3 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / shyam
As per me
Smoke Testing-
It is Done by Developer to check whether the built is ready
to release for Testing or not.
Here Developer check main functionality of application is
working or not.It is cursory testing of built.It is just
like normal health checkup.It is scripted.It is wide and
shallow testing of built.
Sanity testing.
Sanity Testing is done by Testing team or Testing TL.It is
complatly or through testing of functionality of
application.It is narrow and in depth testing. It is non
Scripted. It is also called as BVT.Sanity Testing is a
subset of regression testing and a group of test cases r
executed that r related with the change made to the
To clear Above Concept I want to give one Small
Suppose X Person is going to Purchase a new bike.
Teking a test ride to test basic functionality of the bike
at showroom can b compared to Smoke testing. A product in
the above story Mr.X was determining in the basic features
of the bike were stable and acceptable.
In further testing....
Testing bike performance in detail after bringing it home
can b compared to Sanity Testing of a product.Testing all
these features was not possible in shoeroom or while taking
a Test ride of Bike.
If I m wrong somewhere Pls Correct me on
SIRD Software,Pune
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Answer / swarupa nagpurkar
Most of time Smoke testing is done by Test lead or by
developer before built is hand over to Test team or tester
and Sanity testing is done by Tester.
If I m wrong please correct me on
TL,SIRD Infotech.
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Answer / guest
very good Thala and babu i thk u both are working in
municipal corportation i thk right now dont have work to do
or clean roads dont enter such type of websites continue in
your work our city roads are very bad first of all clean
that roads
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 0 No |
Answer / harish
Smoke Testing: It is narrow testing, here we test only Main features of the application, we give mose importance in covering all the area of the application not going in deep.
In simple it is testing all the basic features(say all positive t.c's) of the app.
Ex: in Gmail we test the Login, Without the successful login u cannot go further into the application.
Sanity Testing: Here we test the individual modules in deapth. we consider single module of the application and test all the possibilities
For more info. mail me
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Answer / ravindra
smoke and sanity testing more or less both are same
....mainly it will be done by the test engineers but even
developer can also do the smoke testing while doing the
white-box testing...chances are there....bcoz by testing
main features which are critical it will better for black
box testing....
Is This Answer Correct ? | 0 Yes | 0 No |
As per my basic level,Tester is going to do Smoke and
Sanity Testing.Why because,After releasing the build
initially we(Testers)are only going to do Smoke and Sanity
on application.
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Answer / janu
Tala, Babu here so many freshers are viewing this question
and answers from this site. I wondered how can u give such a
reply. It may be right according to you but not for juniors
who doesn't know anything about the specific question and
description. Plz don't explain in such a way.
Is This Answer Correct ? | 1 Yes | 1 No |
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i have faced this question in one interview.kindly let me know if u know the ans . the ques is the tester have been found 20 bugs in the requirement .after dev. has been fixed 20 bugs again tester retest the bugs he found again 12 bugs dev .fixed 12 bugs keep on its going ..finally its comes zero defects now how will u checking the application stability ..
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What is the difference between Smoke & Sanity Testing.