1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall?
2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?
3.which city in india has the largest population?
4.how many states are washed by sea water in india?

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1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / rocky sawan

well this makes me fell that u are studying in school and
have an sst test tom.

2. Mawsynram
Mawsynram is a village in the Khasi Hills of Meghalaya
state in north-eastern India, 56 kilometers from Shillong.
Reportedly the wettest place on Earth, with an annual
rainfall of 11.872 meters (about 39 feet). However, as
there has been no meteorological department office in the
area and for all practical and statistical purposes,
Cherrapunji has been the wettest place in the world.

3. Mumbai

4. gujarat, goa, maharastra, karnataka, kerala
(washed by the arabian sea. acc to wikipedia bay of bengal
is the upper part of the indian ocean so technically it
shouldn't be a sea, well again i don't know what ur school
teacher will expect as the answer

if u get other answers or more questions that are to be
prepared for the test inform us

Is This Answer Correct ?    104 Yes 62 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / ankit yagnik

Mawsynram recives maximum rainfall in the world with
11,870mm a year;Tutunendo,colombia, 11,770.

Is This Answer Correct ?    60 Yes 22 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / rahul das gupta

ma ansz dat i thin dat mawsynram in meaghalaya receives de
mm rainfal so chi;;llllllllll

Is This Answer Correct ?    70 Yes 47 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / rosina ali

1.jaisalmer.2.mawsyrnam near cherrapunji. 3. delhi

Is This Answer Correct ?    33 Yes 19 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / mayank sadhu

maximum rain fall from cherapunji

Is This Answer Correct ?    41 Yes 33 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / shruthi

Climate is the sum of total weather conditions and variations over a large area for a long period of time.

Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over an area at any point of time.

And ya mawsynram is the rainiest place in India with cherrapunji.

Cherrapunji is also the wettest or the rainiest place in this world.


3.In deed Mumbai..
But Mumbai is an excellent, marvelous, awesome, mindblowing place......

Hope you get some help from information given Above. ............

                                                 THANK       YOU. ..............

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 5 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / monazir hasan

Place with minimum rainfall (leh) jammu kashmir

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 2 No

1.which place in india receives minimum rainfall? 2.which place in india received maximum rainfall?..

Answer / ulagaraja

1.jaisalmer 2.Mawsyrnam 3.pune 4.7

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 22 No

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Programming in C JayLQue@hotmail.com 1. Which of the types listed below can be the type of the result value returned by a user-defined function? A) int B) double C) char D) all of the above E) none of the above 2. What is the output from this program? #include <stdio.h> void do_something(int *thisp, int that) { int the_other; the_other = 5; that = 2 + the_other; *thisp = the_other * that; } int main(void) { int first, second; first = 1; second = 2; do_something(&second, first); printf("%4d%4d\n", first, second); return 0; } A) 35 2 B) 1 35 C) 35 7 D) 1 2 E) 0 3. In function apart defined below, how many of the parameters are considered input parameters? void apart(double x, int *wholep, double *fracp) { *wholep = (int)x; *fracp = x - *wholep; } A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 E) all 4. Variables that represent neither problem inputs nor problem outputs but are needed for internal computations are called _____. A) problem constants B) prototypes C) results D) formula variables E) program variables 5. This question concerns the following program fragment: char r, x, y, z, w; scanf("%c%c%c%c", &x, &y, &z, &w); if (x < y) r=x; else r=y; if (r>z) r=z; if (r>w) r=w; printf("%c\n", r); The program's effect can best be described as: A) It displays the letter 'r' after comparing it to x, y, and z. B) Of the four input characters, it displays the one that comes first in the alphabet. C) Of the four input characters, it displays the one that comes last in the alphabet. D) Of the four input characters, it displays the one that comes second in the alphabet. E) It displays nothing since characters cannot be compared. 6. In a function that receives a value from the main function via a parameter and then displays the parameter value on the screen, that parameter is considered __________. A) an input parameter B) an output parameter C) an input/output parameter D) a local variable E) a stub 7. What is the complement of the following expression? n||a <= b && c != 100 A) !n || a > b || c == 100 B) !(n && (a > b || c == 100)) C) !n && (a > b || c == 100) D) !(n || (a > b || c == 100)) E) none of the above 8. The if statement: if (13 < 12) printf("never\n"); else printf("always\n"); A) displays never. B) displays always. C) will not compile since 13 is not less than 12. D) causes a run-time error since 13 is not less than 12. E) displays nothing since 13 is not less that 12. 9. How many lines of output will be displayed by the following program fragment? i=0; do { for (j = 0; j < 4; j = j + 1) printf("%d\n", i + j); i=i + 1; } while (i < 5); A) 0 B) 7 C) 9 D) 16 E) 20 10. For what exact range of values of variable x does the following code segment display the letter 'C'? if (x <= 200) if (x < 100) if (x <= 0) printf("A\n"); else printf("B\n"); else printf("C\n"); else printf("D\n"); A) 0 < x < 100 B) x <= 0 C) 100 <= x <= 200 D) x > 200 E) 100 < x <= 200 11. The effect of the following program segment can best be described as __________. if (x > y) z = x; if (x == y) z=0; if (x < y) z = y; A) the smaller of x and y is stored in z. B) the larger of x and y is stored in z. C) the larger of x and y is stored in z unless x and y are equal, in which case z is assigned zero. D) the larger of x and y is stored in z unless x and y are not equal, in which case z is assigned zero. E) none of the above. 12. The expression: x *= i + j / y; is equivalent to ______. A) x = x * i + j / y; B) x = (x * i) + j / y; C) x = (x * i + j) / y; D) x = x * (i + j / y); E) none of the above 13. The facts that a function assumes to be true of the arguments that it receives are called __________. A) function input validations B) local variables C) postconditions D) preconditions E) none of the above 14. How many times is the loop body of the while statement executed? Refer to the following program segment. Assume that all variables are of type int. z=0; g=0; s=0; i=0; while (i < 50) { scanf("%d", &t); s=s + t; if (t >= 0) g=g + 1; else z=z + 1; i=i + 1; } A) once B) never C) 49 times D) 50 times E) until a number 50 or larger is entered 15. A special value that marks the end of a list of input data is called a __________. A) terminal value B) sentinel value C) loop control value D) input value E) loop termination value 16. Here is the prototype of a function: void five (double x, double* yp, int* zp); Given these variable declarations, which calls to five are valid? int m, n double p, q A) five(m, &p, &n); B) q = five(6.2, &p, &m); C) five(p, &q, &m); D) five(7.1, &p, &q); E) a and c only F) a, b, c, and d 17. The ______ of a function take(s) information into the function from the calling statement. A) local variables B) input arguments C) output arguments D) prototype E) purpose 18. If the input to the program segment below is 85, what is its output? scanf("%d", &s); if (s >= 90) printf ("A\n"); else if (s >= 70) printf ("C\n"); else if (s >= 80) printf ("B\n"); else printf ("D\n"); A) A B) B C) C D) D E) None of the above 19. The value stored in variable s at the end of the execution of the loop could best be described as __________. Refer to the following program segment. Assume that all variables are of type int. z=0; g=0; s=0; i=0; while (i < 50) { scanf("%d", &t); s=s + t; if (t >= 0) g=g + 1; else z=z + 1; i=i + 1; } A) the average of the numbers scanned B) the sum of the numbers scanned C) the largest of the numbers scanned D) how many numbers were scanned E) the sentinel value 20. What is displayed by the C statements that follow if the value input is 2? scanf ("%d", &ctl); switch (ctl) { case 0: case 1: printf("red "); case 2: printf("blue "); case 3: printf("green "); case 4: printf("yellow"); } printf("\n"); A) red B) blue C) green D) yellow E) blue green yellow 21. What is displayed by the C statements below if the value input is 3? scanf ("%d", &n); if (n = 5) printf("Equal\n"); else if (n < 5) printf("Less\n"); else printf("Greater\n"); A) Equal B) Less C) Greater D) No output 22. What will be the value of i after the C statements below have been executed? i=3; j=10; if ((3 * i) < j) i=i + 2; i=i+3; A) 5 B) 6 C) 8 D) 10 E) 15 23. Which of the types listed below can be the type of a function output parameter? A) int* B) double* C) char* D) all of the above E) none of the above 24. Which one of the following lines names a constant needed in a program that computes the price per square inch of a round pizza? A) scanf("%lf", &radius); B) pi = 3.14159; C) #define PI 3.14159 D) #include E) none of the above 25. Which one of these is not the name of a C library function? A) printf B) sqrt C) void D) scanf E) log

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