How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?.

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / priya

Error: It is the term used to describe a non-conformance to
the explicitly stated requirement.
For example: Let me explain with an example. If the
requirement mentions 5 Plus 3 Divided by 4; the programmer
codes to add 5 and 3 first; and then divides the result [8]
by 4 to arrive at result 2.
But if the actual/intended application requirement is to
first divide 3 by 4 and then add 5; expecting a result 5.75
then this is a classic Design/Code Error.
Bug: Assume that the programmer has actually understood the
intended requirement correctly but has declared/stored the
result as an integer to show a result of 5 instead of 5.75 –
this is called a Bug. Here the programmer has to declare the
variable as “double or float” and not “int”.
Defect: A defect is any of the above but found/un-covered in
the “released-application” - running in the “Production
Servers” [gone “Live”] or may be in “Beta-Release”.

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / phaninath

the terms error,bug,defect are nearly inter connect to each
error:mistake in the program
defect:mistake found by the test engg is called defect
bug:if the defect is accepted by the developer is called
BUG: in other words Expected result not equalto Actual
result is called bug,
for other clarification mail me at

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / priya

If in the Req it is to first divide 3 by 4 and then add 5;
Error : the programmer codes to add 5 and 3 first and then
divides the result ( calculation is not doone as mentioned
in the req )
Bug: programmer understands but declares the variable
differently ie in this case, it must be double or float
but declares it as int.

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / saraswathip28

Defect:deviation from the requirement specification

Bug:deviation from the Functional specification

Error:related to source code like syntax error,logical
error etc

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / anjali

In an interview point of vie all these sounds same which
interrupts the succesful execution and expected out. But in
Error: i sthe mistake performed by the developer like
syntax error
Bug: is the deviation between the Actual out put and the
expected output.
Defect: Bugs that are accepted by the developer is called

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / chennamsubbaraidu

Please Explain Mathematically.Its Very Important.please

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / chennamsubbaraidu

HI Priya, Please Explain Mathematically.Its Very

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / ch.s.m.prasad

error : A mistake in a coding is called error

defect or issue: due to errors in coding testing engineers
are getting mismatches of our app. build this is defect or

bug: these defects or issues are accepted by the developers
then it is bug.

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / raj

Difference Between Defect & Bug?

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How the Error, Defect and Bug are related to each other ?...

Answer / hash

Error : Deviation between actual and the expected behavior/value .

Bug : An Error found in the development environment before the product is shipped to the customer or say User Acceptance Test phase .

Defect : An Error found in the product itself after it is shipped to the customer or say User Acceptance Test phase .

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