why we do testing ? what r the uses?

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / sudhakar8

The purpose of testing is to find bugs and make sure they
get fixed.
Uses are:
To improve the quality of the product.
To provice that software has no defects.
To ensure that product/application works as user expected.
So, by doing these software testing we can stay in
bussiness in competative world.

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / kalyantvk

To Release the Quality product to the customer.To find the
defects in our application we r conducting testing.

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / jagriti sinha

Testing is the correctness of the products.Before
releasing the new product in the environment,we needs
to do testing.For this,All the testing team do testing
to varify and ensure that the products are good and
safe for environment. Thats why we do testing.In
testing, we do maximum bugs count, find maximum defects
and send them for fixing.
In the software, we test the
application for bugs and error free so that it works
perfectly.In this environment there are so many errors
we found.like syntex errors,spelling mistakes and so many
other errors .

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 1 No

why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / leela

we do testing to give better Quality to the product.we test
the product wheater it is meeting the client/customer
requirements or not

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / naseer


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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / swathi reddy

Testing is done after coding of the project.We do testing in finding errors and bugs and finally get them fixed.
The sooner we find errors, the lesser will be it's cost in fixing them.
This is done as per the user expections.

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / rajeshkumar

Testing is not only finding bugs/defects it like "Improve the Quality"

Doing the same person is not easy.Exam: we difficult to find our own fault but can easily find the others fault, The same logic using here as well.

Doing the different person find more issues,especially Quality Tester because he has different mentality and mindset so covering the defect for different way.

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / padmaja

we do testing inorder to get the product without any errors.
i.e..,the product should be test continusly until we reach
our reguirement and satisfies the customer.

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / mudaseer

testing is done because
software is likely to have faults
To learn about the reliability of the software
Because failures can be very expensive
To avoid being sued by customers
To stay in business
Confidence in quality of software
Prevent defects from passing on
Make sure requirements are met
To demonstrate that the product performs each function as intended
To demonstrate that the internal operation of the product performs according to the requirements
uses testing minimizes defects and by testing we can check the quality of the product

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why we do testing ? what r the uses?..

Answer / chanchal verma

Testing means that executing a program or its components
in order to assure:
1. The correctness of software with respect to requirements or intent.
2. The performance of the software under various conditions;
3.The robustness of software that is, its ability to handle erroneous inputs and unanticipated conditions.
4. The usability of the software under various conditions.
5. The reliability, availability, survivability or other dependability measures of software
6. Installability and other facets of a software release.

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