Please write 4 high severity & high pririty bugs on ONLINE
SHOPPING OF PRODUCT.Write bugs that should be practical and
original.Thank u

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Please write 4 high severity & high pririty bugs on ONLINE SHOPPING OF PRODUCT.Write bugs that..

Answer / deepika mashetty

1) While Updating the Quantity in the Shopping Cart the
Quantity, Prices are not being Updated.
2) When i try to Delete a Product from the Shopping Cart
its not being Deleted.
3) From the Shopping Cart when i proceed further to Check
Out, and log in by any user and in the confirmation page if
i click on logout and log in as another user then still the
details of the first member are being displayed.
4) From the Confirmation Page if i go back to the Check Out
and try to Update any information regarding the Billing or
Delivery Address they are not being Updated.

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Please write 4 high severity & high pririty bugs on ONLINE SHOPPING OF PRODUCT.Write bugs that..

Answer / mudaseer

if the price of the product entered wrong for example s3 mobile price is 30k but is entered as 21k

if i click on buy now the website is crashing

when i click on a page for example samsung grand phone and it is displaying sony experia phone

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Please write 4 high severity & high pririty bugs on ONLINE SHOPPING OF PRODUCT.Write bugs that..

Answer / subhasis.nk

Thanks for ur help Deepika.

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