in a team, how do u involve/test when ur modules are
integrated to other modules of ur team.

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in a team, how do u involve/test when ur modules are integrated to other modules of ur team...

Answer / amit barwa

When the modules are integrated, then the whole application
is tested through integration testing.

Regression testing is basically testing the changed code
against the existing code on the same test data(which was
used for previous testing) and then executing the processes
to validate the data.

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in a team, how do u involve/test when ur modules are integrated to other modules of ur team...

Answer / pradeep

This is called as SIT Testing (System Integration Testing):

The purpose of System Integration testing is to verify the
integration of all applications in the solution operate
correctly together. The testing is performed in an end to
end manner and will confirm the total solution from input
to end point.

During SIT following types of testing will be performed:
• Shakedown Testing (also known as connectivity
• End to End Testing
• Regression Testing

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in a team, how do u involve/test when ur modules are integrated to other modules of ur team...

Answer / raj.thakur21

Are u talking about the testing, think so...ok

After the integration of your module with the other
modules you can still test.

For that we have a testing technique called "Regression
Testing" which is mainly for the testing of integrated
modules. It helps to check whether your module works
properly as required with other without any problem/defect.

And in that case you can test using the same testcases,
which you have used earlier for that module.

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