Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is
outscribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner
to outer circle.

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Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is outscribed over a square. What is the r..

Answer / guest

1 : 2

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Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is outscribed over a square. What is the r..

Answer / mani

area of a circle inscribed in a square =(pi/4)*area of square

area of a circle outscribed in a square =(pi/2)*area of square

ratio= ((pi/4)*a)/((pi/2)*a)

= 1/2

Ratio = 1:2

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Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is outscribed over a square. What is the r..

Answer / selva


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Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is outscribed over a square. What is the r..

Answer / selva


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Two circles , one circle is inscribed and another circle is outscribed over a square. What is the r..

Answer / gayatri


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