2/3 of corckery(plates) are broken, 1/2 have someother
thing(handle) broken , 1/4 are both broken and handle
broken. Ultimately only 2 pieces of corckery were without
any defect. How many crockery were there in total.

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2/3 of corckery(plates) are broken, 1/2 have someother thing(handle) broken , 1/4 are both broken a..

Answer / deepak

let no of total crockery =x
2x/3 crockery broken
x/2 handle broken
x/4 both brocken

2x/3+x/2-x/4 = no of total broken(crockery or handle)

unbroken =x-11x/12=x/12
x/12=2(given in question)

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 0 No

2/3 of corckery(plates) are broken, 1/2 have someother thing(handle) broken , 1/4 are both broken a..

Answer / krishna

24 units of crockery

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 7 No

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