What is Tautonomy ?

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What is Tautonomy ?..

Answer / sthuthi

If the generic name and specific name are exactly the same
it is known as "TAUTUNOMY".
according toICBN tautonyms are illegitimate.

eg:Malus malus

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What is Tautonomy ?..

Answer / fatema

its an illegitimate binomial where the generic name and
specific epithet are exactly same
eg:Sassafras sassafras

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What is Tautonomy ?..

Answer / umar tariq

Tautonomy is the study of the binomial nomenclature which
concerned with same generic and specific name.

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What is Tautonomy ?..

Answer / namita singh

simply tautonyms defined as , when genus and species name are same is known as tautonyms e.g. Ziziphus zizyphus

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What is Tautonomy ?..

Answer / ute

Tautologie (griech. ταυτολογία, „dasselbe sagen“) steht für:

Tautologie (Logik), eine Aussage, die unabhängig vom
Wahrheitswert der zugrunde liegenden Bestandteile immer
wahr ist.
Tautologie (Sprache), in der Stilistik eine Häufung
gleichbedeutender Wörter.
Tautologie (Kunst), in der Kunst eine bildliche oder
strukturelle Aussage eines nicht zu interpretierenden
from: Wikipedia

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