What is the difference between transformation and

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What is the difference between transformation and transduction?..

Answer / nasreen

In transformation the donor dna is directly transferred
to recipient where as in transduction dna is transferred
from donor to recipient through viral phages.

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What is the difference between transformation and transduction?..

Answer / navedha

Transformation is the transfer of bacyerial genes involving
free DNA.Transduction is the transfer of host genes from
one host to another host by a virus.

Is This Answer Correct ?    42 Yes 12 No

What is the difference between transformation and transduction?..

Answer / nikhar

transformation is the processes in which bacterial machinery take up the gene from the environment..
in transduction phage particles mediate the transfer of genes from one bacteria to another.

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 3 No

What is the difference between transformation and transduction?..

Answer / rajan bansal

transformation is gene

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