exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also
give some examples?

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / guest

Configuration mgmt tool is basically for Version Controlling
to make sure that how many versions are created for that
particular file.

Tools are like: VSS

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / aaa

Configuration management (CM) is the processes of
controlling, coordinating, and tracking the Standards and
procedures and managing changes in an evolving software

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / nani

To cover the process controling,coordinating,Track code,
change requirement made to them

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / guest


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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / guest

configuration management tool it acts same likebackup
system and version controling

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / amar

configuration management tool is where the total test
documents are kept in the tool such that management and
client can go through this tool

google document is an example

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / anjali

configuration management tool it acts same likebackup
system and version controling

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exactly what is the purpose of configuration mgt tool? also give some examples?..

Answer / suneel reddy

CMM used to store our test cases and to store Test plans
which are other documents that are related to testing

and also used to give status for our test cases which we

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