What is data driven testing in QTP?

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What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / chowdhury

Data Driven testing is testing the functionality with
dynamic input from QTP. When we record, the value we use
become static. In Data driven test we convert that static
value to dynamic so that we can give as many inputs we want
to see the functionality is working ofr different inputs.

Is This Answer Correct ?    71 Yes 2 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / satyanarayana

Data driven testing is very much useful while we are
parameterising our test.Data driven testing means
collecting the data from various sources like flat files,xl
files and from databases and testing the functionalities of
the application with this data by parameterisation

Is This Answer Correct ?    26 Yes 5 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / cnu

The Exection of an automation program on a software build
with multiple test data is called as "data driven testing"

Is This Answer Correct ?    20 Yes 3 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / krishnamurthy

Data driven testing is a "column fixture" testing. Here we
are using different types of data to test the
component.Here values are dynamically given at run time.
Maximum we are using Excel file for giving dynamic values.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / amit

data driven testing is the parametrization of our test in
which we pick the no and iteration one by one and then
execute them....
plz make me right if i m wrong.....

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 7 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / guruprasad

Simple, the execution path is driven based on the data
residing outside the script.

You could script in such a way that the functionality that
need to be tested cane be decided outside the script, and
pass the appropriate data to drive the execution.

For example:

You can have a switch case in your script to test
2.Login field
3.Pwd field
4.Login button

Now your data sheet will contain 2 fields with multiple
rows. One field for the option (1/2/3/4) and the other for
the data to be used.

Now in the beginning of the script you would load the excel
sheet retrieve the data iteratively pass it to the switch
case. Now, you have the ease of deciding what needs to be
tested with what data outside of the actual script.

Hope that helps...

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 1 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / narendar

data driven framework is used to implement re-testing,re-
testing is the process of executing an application again
and again with multiple sets of testdata.For this,we need
to parameterize data using data-driver wizard(Tools-->Data
driver) or manually take data into datatable/we can import
testdata into datatable from external applications like
excel,flatfile or xml files ...
Correct me if iam wrong

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / prasad

Data driven test is a process of executing same
functionality with multiple test data.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / vinay

Data-Driven Testing is re-testing the functionality with
different test data (input/output) values are for
read/write from the data files. The data files are prepared
by the user and those column values parameterized in the
script file.

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What is data driven testing in QTP?..

Answer / pritisandhya

Data Driven testing is nothing but test the same
functionality of an application with various inputs. that
inputs shoud be in either in .xls file,flat files etc.First
we retrive the data into the designed data table of
QTP.then take the data from design table.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 7 No

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