What is purpose of Rational Administrator?

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What is purpose of Rational Administrator?..

Answer / shruti

Rational Administrator is a tool for managing
associations between rational artifacts such as test
datastores, requisite pro projects, clear quest databases
and rose models.
With the help of rational administrator we can:
Create and manage rational projects.
Create and maintain users and groups.
Upgrade project assets such as requisite pro databases and
test datastores.
Enable a rational project for use with unified change

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What is purpose of Rational Administrator?..

Answer / monu

Ration Administrator is a tool which create a rational
project and that project is associated with the Rational

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What is purpose of Rational Administrator?..

Answer / pavani

Ration Administrator is a tool which create a rational
project and that project is associated with the Rational

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What is purpose of Rational Administrator?..

Answer / ramachary

It is used to create & manage projects & also stores your
testing information.

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What is purpose of Rational Administrator?..

Answer / amuskr

As a Rational Administrator You have to play the following

1. Configuring the VOB's hosts
2. Creating VOB's
3. Managing VOB's and Taking backups
4. Providing user and group authorisation
5. Monotoring integrity

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