how will you do execution workflow, creat and modify test sets
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How do we import testcases written in excel to test director?
What is the main purpose to storing requirement in TD?
how to map requirements with testcases in testdirector?
I installed TestDirector 7.6 on my PC which has windows media center edition. It was working fine in the begining. But now when I try to start it, I get the message, "cannot connect to databas. The data base version is older than 7.5, please update database". I am using MS Access as the database. Any help would be appreciated.
Can we map the defects directly to the requirements (not thru the test cases) in the test director?
what is RTM in test director?
What is EXPORT AND IMPORT in Quality Center (pl. Explain with easy steps to understand.)
I Could able to export test cases from Excel to QC. But problem is only Step1 only exporting to QC. I have 200+ steps in my excel sheet. If any one knows pelase let know. Please mail me at
How can we add requirements to test cases in test director?
What r the mandatory fields in TD?
What is Business Process?
What is the difference between Quality centre and Test Director