in a database table there are 3 columns (name ,
marks,grade) , in application after retrieving data from
db to fields name, marks click ok button then grade should
displayed ---for this how to write vb script prgm

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in a database table there are 3 columns (name , marks,grade) , in application after retrieving da..

Answer / baba fakruddin

Let us assume that application is VB application
You can copy and paste in ur PC then analyze u will
understand easily


msgbox RC

For i= 1 to RC

vbwindow("Form1").vbedit("name").Set DataTable("Name",

' Here it will retrieve grade and displays in msgbox
msgbox grade

' It places Grade in Run Time Data Table
VbWindow("Form1").VbEdit("Grade").Output CheckPoint("Grade")

' Now we can export that data in to our desired location

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in a database table there are 3 columns (name , marks,grade) , in application after retrieving da..

Answer / kk

I feel, I could not understand your question.
I am not sure this syntax is correct, better to check it.

For x=1 to i
myData =,2)
'Assume, 2 is the number of Name Column.
'Use different Logic
You can get all the data in those 3 columns.

The last part in your question is not understandable for me.

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in a database table there are 3 columns (name , marks,grade) , in application after retrieving da..

Answer / kk

allData should be declared Globally, outside of any

I am sorry, correction for the above line.
allData=allData & vbcrlf & allData

I would like to know people feed back, about this posting.

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