with out object repository i need to launch IE and then
navigate to a login page and then operate the objects
within the page. How will be the script?

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with out object repository i need to launch IE and then navigate to a login page and then operate ..

Answer / ramanestalu dasari

create instance object using InternetExplorer.Application

Ex: Dim IE
set IE=createobject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Browser().page().webedit().set "value"

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with out object repository i need to launch IE and then navigate to a login page and then operate ..

Answer / sonal

Sample code to open browser and navigate to google site and
click on link.
If Browser("index:=0").Exist(1) then
wHandle1 = Browser("index:=0").GetROProperty
hWindow = wHandle1
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Navigate
'msgBox "Opened URL"
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Sync
wait 2
Call SystemUtil.Run
(BROWSER_EXE, "http://www.google.com", "", "open")
wHandle1 = Browser("index:=0").GetROProperty
hWindow = wHandle1
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Sync
End If
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Page("title:=.*").Link

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with out object repository i need to launch IE and then navigate to a login page and then operate ..

Answer / rajesh

If Browser("index:=0").Exist(1) then
hWindow = getHandleBrowser
Browser("hwnd:=" &
'msgBox "Opened URL"
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Sync
wait 2
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",
"http://www.google.com", "", "open"
hWindow = getHandleBrowser
Browser("hwnd:=" & hWindow).Sync
End If
Browser("hwnd:=" &

Function getHandleBrowser
wHandle1 = Browser("index:=0").GetROProperty("hwnd")
getHandleBrowser = wHandle1
End Function

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