Difference between Verification & Validation?

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / mahesh

Verifiaction:Means are we doing right thing.i.e we have to
check whether we are implementing right process.

validation:Means are we doing things right.i.e we have to
check whether we have developed a software as per the
client requirement.

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / aparna

Verification is preventing mechanism to detect possible
failures before the testing begins.
Verification typically involves reviews,meetings,inspections,
audits to evaluate the requirements,design,codes specification.

validation is the assurance that the final product meets
system requirements.Validation typically involves actual
testing & takes after verifications are completed.

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / sridhar vaithiyanathan

Verification: Check whether the software developing as per the specification during development process.
"Are we building the product Right?"
It is preventive method.
It is static testing like reviews, walk through, Inspection.

Validation: Check whether the software developed as per specification once the software is developed.
"Are we building the Right Product?"
It is corrective method.
It is Dynamic testing like system testing, Integration testing, black box testing.
This will be done by testing team

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / manu

The Validation technique refers to the process of
evaluating a software product at the end of its development
stage to ensure that it is free from failures, and complies
with the requirements.

The Verification technique refers to the process of
determining whether the products of a given phase of a
software development process fulfill the requirements

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / pragati patil

verification:(R u doing the right job?)means its a process
that makes it sure that the s/w product is developed the
right way...
Helps in identying not only presence of defects but also
their location..

validation:(R u doing the job right?)means its a process of
finding out if the product being built is right or wrong...

Helps in identying the presence of defects, not their location..

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / surendra

verification define is we building the product right?
validation define is we building the right product?

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / virender singh

Verification: The evaluation of product charecterstic
against specific requirements.

Validation: The evaluation of product characterstic against
its inteded use.

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / nite

verification is to ensure if the software is developed as
per the requirement stated.

validation, on the other hand, is the overall picture of
ensuring if the software is actually developed to
successfully run in the real environment. Its more about the
involvement of the client.

Some posts have mentioned that the one is conducted by the
developer and the other by the tester, which I think is
wrong. both processes involve testing.

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / syed zabiur rahman

Verification:It is a process of checking or ensuring that
the product is delivering all the functionality to the

Validation:It is a process of ensuring the functionality,
as defined in the requirement is the intended behaviour of
the product.

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Difference between Verification & Validation?..

Answer / k.nalini prasanna

Verification-:it is a process of checking conducted on each
and every roll in the orgination in order to confirm
whether they r wofking according to the company process
guidlines or not

Validation-:it is a process of checking conducted on devep
application or its related parts in order to confirm
whether they r working according to the exceptions r not

Is This Answer Correct ?    3 Yes 5 No

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