how to insert clipboard verification point

how to insert clipboard verification point..

Answer / ambili p.s

Let us take the example application as notepad, a windows
based application can be tested with Rational Robot.
Normally, a notepad have all the features like cut,copy and
paste. Let us see whether the above properties are working
in a notepad with clipboard verification point.
Step 1: Take a new script (File - New - Script)
Step 2: Start Recording (Record - Insert At Cursor)
Step 3: Run a notepad (Start - Run - Notepad)
Step 4: Type a word you want to copy or cut say "rational"
and select the word and copy it(Right Click - Copy)
Step 5: Go to Rational Robot software, choose Insert option
and select the clipboard verification point.
(Insert - Verification Point - Clipboard)
It should display a dialog box, press OK to continue
Step 6: Wait for a moment to popup notepad automatically.
Step 7: Paste the content in next line or anywhere in
notepad( Right Click - Paste)
Step 8: Stop Recording
Step 9: Clear the notepad before running (F5)

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