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Relq Interview Questions
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Is it Winrunner supports All web based applications?If supports how extention?

5 7602

What kind of problems are solved by Datapools?

2 4067

Is it possible to run a WinRunner script without using GUI Map file? If yes how?

3 5914

Hi,Can anybody pls let me know "what is the actual need for test strategy when there is test Plan?"Whay is test plan needed?

5 6646

can u write Script to do Data Driven Testing throuh Externel & internel XL Sheet

2 4071

I have 2 Databases. How can create a table in particular database? How can i know the list of tables presented each database?( in oracle 10g)

5 8115

1. What is the difference between a bug and a defect 2. What is the difference between retesting and regression testing 3. Explain bug life cycle

2 6503

1. What is the most critical bug you found 2. Consider a moblie phone : when you save the number, the number gets saved under a different name . What is the priority and severity of the bug 3. Write code for binary search

1 11235

1. What is performance testing..How would you test the performance of a flash object

2 4361

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Un-Answered Questions

What is difference insert () and database .insert ()?


Where are variables stored?


What is a flag and how does it work?


What are the different code-pushdown techniques?


Are arrays structs in swift?


What are the actual QA processes run in software compamy ?


What is edge location and the purpose of it?


What does a beaver build?


What is the meaning of loop in transformer


Explain about communication features in UNIX?


What is ios appdelegate?


What is the @functionalinterface annotation?


Explain what is good design?


When do you see the exit happening? - Venture Capitalists


hi i got i 20 from sacred heart university u.s.a.i got good tofel score and my gre is score is very university requirement is only tofel.i completed my in 2009 so i got 1 year gap is their chances to reject visa?what i have to do i was very to sought out my problem