Hello Everybody,

How to maintain the page state in QTP.
My scenario is:
1. I opened a notepad file.

2. Entered some text in the notepad file.

3.And changed the font type and color of the notepad file.
And saved that.

4.Now next time when I will open the notepad it is showing
the changed font type and color, rather than the default

Please provide the code.


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Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad f..

Answer / santhosh

In notepad after writing some text and then saving that
file as .txt again open the notepad change the font
size,font type,etc and write some text and save
Now onwards ur notepad will display the text settings as
mentioned in the previous settings until u again change
those settings,It is the nature of the Windows Operating
For Example,If a text is written on notepad and saved on
and again a text is written on notepad asn saved on system2

Now copy text file on system1 to system2 either by using
network or mail any way,but the text will dispaly the
current settings of notepad and vieversa in case of system2

So,Qtp also maintains current page state of that particular
system as the Windows Operating Sytem maintains

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Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad f..

Answer / gaytri

Hi Santosh,

I think you are not getting my query. Actually what is
1. Suppose I opened a notepad file and wrote some text, now
here by default font type is courier and size is:10 and
changed the font type and size i.e. i changed the font type
to Curlz MT and size 14 and saved that file and closed that.
2. Now next time when i am opening the new notepad file and
writing some text there, then text is displayed in Curlz MT
and font is 14.

Now what I want here that when after saving the changed
font type and size, next time when i am opening new notepad
file then it should show font type as "Courier" and size
as "10".

I want to capture that original state i.e. when i will
capture the empty notepad file..is it possible that all the
properties of that page is capture automatically? Or I have
to capture each and every property of the notepad.


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Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad f..

Answer / saravana

Hi gayatri,
Santosh has given the correct solution. whenever u make a
change the changes are saved in the Windows folder. Notepad
is nota separate application like WinAmp or Office.The
reason is due to OS..

Thanks & regards,

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Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad f..

Answer / k.p.pradeep


I think you must have understood the issue by now.

Actually, Notepad is a low-level text editing software
provided along wiht WIndows OS. I has very limited editing
facility. So once the font propeties of Notepad are
changed, it remains the same until it is changed again.
It changes is software-specific, not document-specific as
with MS Word.

So if you want that Notepad should display the original
state whenever you open it, record the previous font state
using QTP and set the recorded state back before performing
some action on Notepad.

Hope this clears your issue.


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Hello Everybody, How to maintain the page state in QTP. My scenario is: 1. I opened a notepad f..

Answer / gaytri

Thanks A Lot to all of you...:)

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