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SunGard Interview Questions
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Two cars, 15 km apart one is turning at a speed of 50kmph other at 40kmph . How will it take to two cars meet.

8 48667

What is self-referential integrity constraint ?

2 13603

what is a thread?

13 18637

Rate yourself in .NET and SQL ?

1 8016

About .NET Remoting and types of remoting ?

2 8182

How to do the "Exception Handling" in Winrunner ..... Give Me detail Practical approach....(Object Exception,TSL exception & Pop - up also).......?

1 6880

How do you handle data concurrency in .NET ?

9 18924

How u do the back end testing in QTP?

2 17750

Is the functional testing is a part of System testing. Are they same.

5 10039

what is the probability of a complete system distortion under high end low performing multiprocessor job?


Whatis the need of writing testcases? why don,t test the application without the testcases

3 9295

what the diff b/w verification and validation

8 14799

what is the difference between quality assurence and quality control

4 8275

if u find a bug and reported to devoloper, but he is not agree with ur openion what u will do,how u convince to them

7 11273

Waht is the diffrence between static testing and dynamic testing,what u do instatic testing as a black box test engineer

8 19607

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Un-Answered Questions

Is padding included in width?


What is the use of Express Router Class?


What is startanimation?


can anyone explain 11kV 3core cable megger,hi pot test procedure with connection details?


Is node js a backend?


Explain how you can find a file using terminal?


If the root disk is failed how can change it?


What are the types of class b amplifier?


What uses unix?


Can gunicorn serve static files?


What will happen if boiler backfires?


what is Polymorphism in Perl?


Tell me does subversion have changesets?


What is html5 and its features?


What are documents you used for created for your rpa process?