I am facing an issue of object identification with the
dropdown element of DHTML grid. When I tried to recognize
these different dropdown objects, QTP identifies only one
object for all the dropdowns. Hence, selection of different
data from different dropdowns list is an issue.
To overcome this problem, i have used Descriptive
Programming technique by creating different object
descriptions which have all the other properties same but
differ only in one property i.e. ‘X’ location of the
element on the screen. Hence, i have created distinct
object descriptions that would allow us to select values in
different dropdowns. The code is given below. But still I
am unable to identify distinct dropdown objects.
‘Object Description for Dropdown Cell Status
Set objCellStatus = Description.Create
objCellStatus("micclass").value = "WebList"
objCellStatus("name").value = "select"
objCellStatus("x").value = 219 ------ ‘X’ Axis value for
cell status drop down
‘Object Description for Dropdown Sub Segment
Set objSubSegment = Description.Create
objSubSegment("micclass").value = "WebList"
objSubSegment("name").value = "select"
objSubSegment("x").value = "319" ------ ‘X’ Axis value for
sub segment drop down
Please help... This is specific to DTML grid(Drop down
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