how quick test record on dynamically generated urls and
web pages.

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how quick test record on dynamically generated urls and web pages...

Answer / sivareddy

StartURL="give the Url"
set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.Visible = true
IE.Navigate StartURL

By using this script we can directly lanch the web Browsers

By using sysyemUtil.Run function we lanch the web Browsers

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how quick test record on dynamically generated urls and web pages...

Answer / baba fakruddin

Siva reddy is okay

if we use system.util ""
it opens directly gmail in default browser

if we create an instance for browser we can record directly
on default url

' It opens default/mentioned in options web page
dim ie
set ie=createobject("internetexplorer.application")


set ie=nothing

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how quick test record on dynamically generated urls and web pages...

Answer / sharmila

UFT actually clicks links as they are displayed on the page. Therefore, UFT records how to find a particular object, such as a link on the page, rather than the object itself. For example, if the link to a dynamically generated URL is an image, then UFT records the "IMG" HTML tag, and the name of the image. This enables UFT to find this image in the future and click on it.

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