What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / jyothi

Defect--During requirement phase if we find its called as
defect.A defect in requirement.

Bug-----During testing phase if we find its called a BUG.

Error Life Cycle-
2)assigned(assigned to dev)
3)Dev-passed(after fixing)
4)Under testing(when testing team receives the fix)
5)Closed(if working fine)else reopen

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / jyotheeswar

A Mistake in coding is called an ERROR. This mistake
detected by test engineer during testing called defect(or)
issue. This defect (or)issue accepted by defect tracking
team as code related defect called BUG.

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / guest

Fixed /solved
Closed /validate
Under observation
Work in progress

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / ravi76xy

Defect is the issue caught while Testing, When the as said is accepted by the
developers then the as said is called as a Bug;
Error always occurs in the coding during Unit Testing by the development team.
(isues regarding the coding are said Error's)

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / bhuvana


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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / deep

Hey Guys If bug is fixed its fine it ll be closed.
If not then it will be re-assign to the developer again.
But Who ll re-assign it..........Is it the test engineer or
the Lead.

One more question here who ll set the priority...If
developer why ?? why not the tester....Is that because the
backlog sheet is maintained by the developer.

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / anu

New: When a new defect is logged and posted for the first time. It is assigned a status as NEW.
Assigned: Once the bug is posted by the tester, the lead of the tester approves the bug and assigns the bug to the developer team
Open: The developer starts analyzing and works on the defect fix
Fixed: When a developer makes a necessary code change and verifies the change, he or she can make bug status as “Fixed.”
Pending retest: Once the defect is fixed the developer gives a particular code for retesting the code to the tester. Since the software testing remains pending from the testers end, the status assigned is “pending retest.”
Retest: Tester does the retesting of the code at this stage to check whether the defect is fixed by the developer or not and changes the status to “Re-test.”

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / rahul

its start with new-->open-->fixed-->fixed + verified--
>closed or if its not fixed then remain in reopen untill it
gets fixed

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / madhubabu

Error:If any mistake find in the coding time is called an

Bug: if the same error find by a tester in testing time is
called a "bug".

Defect: if the same bug is given to the developer to fix
is called "Defect":

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What is Defect/Bug/Error Life Cycle?..

Answer / ramireddy

When we found a defect /Bug we will set the status New and
set the severity and then assign to the inour seniour
people based on the severity they will set the priority and
then they will assign to corresponding developer based on
the severity dev fix it.and again tester again re-testedhe
will fix correctly close the bug, other wise then again re
assign to the corresponding dev.

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