What is the exact difference between Integration & System
testing, give me examples with your project.

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What is the exact difference between Integration & System testing, give me examples with your p..

Answer / babu_sripathi@yahoo.co.in

Integration testing means we will combine the individual
modules of the system.One module is integrated with another
module.The output of the first moudle it should be input of
the another module.
syatem testing is nothing but end to end testing. While
during system testing we will cover all the modules of the

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What is the exact difference between Integration & System testing, give me examples with your p..

Answer / muralidharan

Integration testing :
This comes under levels of testing,
this is basically whitebox testing and main purpose of
doing integration testing to check the communication
interface between the unit tested module or submodules.Here
Dummy modules like stubs and drivers are used to do
integration testing.


Here we are checking the interface from A to D

System testing:
The testing done on a whole to check the
functiolity and requirements are as per the clients
requirements etc.It is commonly called as black box testing

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