What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture?

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What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / murali

2 tier architecture : This has 2 parts namely client (front
end) and database (back end).The window application
generally developed in this technology

3 tier architecture :
1 Client-front end (request is given through client)
2.business logic :Middle layer (protocols are used for
processing the request)
3. Database :back end (response is given to the client)
Web applications are good examples for 3 tier architecture

Is This Answer Correct ?    95 Yes 9 No

What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / guest

3 ? tier : It contains client, webs server and data base
2 ? tier: It contains client and database server.

Is This Answer Correct ?    73 Yes 19 No

What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / mani

3 tier is web based application.
2 tier is a client server based application

Is This Answer Correct ?    24 Yes 6 No

What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / abu

two type of 2tier architecture
1.fat Client
here the application or business layer is associated
with user or presentation layer and data storage layer is
reside separately.
Ex.- by submitting user name and password before login into
home page

2.fat Server
here the application or business layer is associated
with data storage layer and user or presentation layer is
reside separately.here all function is carried out on the

3tier architecture
here all 3 layers such presentation layer, application
layer and data storage layer is residing separately either
on same machine or on the different machine.
Ex-client submitting request in presentation layer and send
it to business layer for validation which in turn interact
with data base and retrieving the requested information from
it and send it to the client.

Is This Answer Correct ?    19 Yes 10 No

What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / ekta

2 Tier Architecture ::
Client & Database is on different system.
Processing is done at client side.
Application layer is at client side.

3 Tier Architecture ::
Apart from Application & database layer there is one more layer present at client side.(eg

First tier= presentation tier

Second tier=Application Tier(Business Logic)

Third Tier=Data Tier(Database Server)

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 3 No

What is 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture? ..

Answer / v.edwardraja

2tier:communication between two of them, one to each other
3tier:communication between more than one. it is also
called n-tier archicture, because more than two.

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 13 No

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