Explain the Diversity of plant life ?

Explain the Diversity of plant life ?..

Answer / guest

Plants shows diversities in various directions- habitat
habit, from and types, duration of life, mode of nutrition etc..

Habitat :-Each habitat has its own factors e.g a particular
type of climate, soil etc some plants grow in fresh water,
some in saline water.

Habit :- In this comes, the nature of stem the height of
the plant, its duration and mode of life etc.. According t
habit of plant these may be classified as follows

(a) Herbs :- Herbs are small plants with soft stem e.g.
sunflower, ginger etc
(b) Shurbs :-Shrubs are medium size plants with a woody and
hard stem, often much branched and bushy. e.g. Chinarose,
night jasmine etc..
(c) Trees :-Trees are tall plants with a clear hard and
woody stem e.g.
Mango, jack etc..

Duration of life :- Herbs have shorts span of life. Those
herbs which live only for months r almost a year are annuals
e.g. rice, wheat, mustard etc. They grow, produce flower and
fruits within this period and then die off.

Biennials :-Those plants which grow in first year and
produce flowers and fruits in second year and then they die
off, e.g. Cabbage, carrot etc..

Perennials :Which live for a few years e.g. Canna, ginger etc

Climbers :-Plants which developed special organs of
attachment by which they cling to neighbouring objects for
their support. These are following kinds

1.Rotlet Climber :- Plants which climbs by means of small
adventiticies root e.g. betel, long pepper.

2 Hook Climber :-Plants which produces hooks like structures
on them for climbing e.g. climbing rose.

3.Tendril Climber:- Plants which produce leafless, slender,
spicyrally coiled structure are called tendrils. These
tendrils help the plant to climb e.g. vine, passion flower,
pea etc..

4.Leaf Climber:- In some plants leaf act alike a tendrial
and help the plant to climb e.g. Clematis.

Depending on the more of nutrition plants may be divided
into following special types

Autophytes:- Those are green plants which prepare their
own, organic food particularly carbohydrates in their
leaves. Non green plants on the other hand cannot prepare
their own carbohydrate food and this they are called as
Heterophytes. These are either parasites or saprophptes

Parasites :- Parasites are those which grow upon other
loving plants and absorb necessary food materials wholly or
partially form them. Total parasites are never green in
colour e.g. dodder but partial parasites are green and
manufacture their food partially e.g. mistletoe.

(1) Saprophytes :- Plants that grow in soils rich in
decaying organic matter of animals or vegetables and they
derive their nutrient from them e.g. Monotropa.

(2) Epiphytes :- Plants that grow on the stem and branches
of other plants but these do not absorb food from them e.g.

(3) Symbionts:- The relationship in which two organism live
together and these are mutually helped by each other. This
type of relationship is known as symbiosis and the organism
are called symbionts.
(4) Carnivorous plants:- Those plants that capture insects
and small animals and feed upon them are known as
carnivorous plants. These plants are green in colour but
these partially depends on insects and other animals for
nitrogenous food e.g. Sundew, pitcher plant

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