Write code for ,We have a web table with rows and columns like
EmpID EName Action
1 ABC Edit Delete
2 XYZ Edit Delete
3 PQR Edit Delete

In the above Table the last column has two links we have to click first link based up on EmpID =2

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Write code for ,We have a web table with rows and columns like EmpID EName Action 1 ..

Answer / mogal

RC = Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").RowCount
CC = Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").ColumnCount(1)
for iLoop = 1 to RC
If Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").GetCellData(iLoop,1) = 2 Then
Rnum = iLoop
Exit for
End if
for jLoop = 1 to CC
If Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").GetCellData(1,jLoop) = "Action" Then
Cnum = jLoop
Exit for
End if
Set ReqLink =Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").childItem(Rnum,Cnum,"Link",0)

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Write code for ,We have a web table with rows and columns like EmpID EName Action 1 ..

Answer / mogal

RC = Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").RowCount
CC = Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").ColumnCount(1)

Rnum = Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").GetRowWithCellText(2)
for jLoop = 1 to CC
If Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").GetCellData(1,jLoop) = "Action" Then
Cnum = jLoop
Exit for
End if
Set ReqLink =Browser("Browser name").Page("Pagename").webTable("TableName").childItem(Rnum,Cnum,"Link",0)

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