What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?

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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / zobiaaziz

marsupial animals

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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / guest


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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / guest


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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / biya butt


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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / najam

Marsupials becaus all pouched mammals are collectively called as marsupials and kagaroos are also a marsupial.

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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / ankita


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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / risha

kangaroos are the pouch earing animals

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What are the pouch-bearing mammals called?..

Answer / aarthi

The pouch bearing mammals are called as marsupials of theria

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