HI everyone,
I'm new software testing.I want to learn manual testing.
can any one help me how to practice the manual testing.
I know some basic of manual testing.I want to practice.
Please can any one tell me suggested sites,projects or any
book or any guidence.
first u have to know how to write test cases,then write
some test cases about pen,t-cup,cofee machine,lift.if u
are testing any application,basically concentrate on
functionality of that application then after that go for
Non-functionality testing.if u know all these then try
writing test cases of web based applications like irctc,net
banking application,atm machine opertaion etc....
first write some +ve test case and -ve test cases. above
suggested are some guidance for u.
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In interview,always they ask..WHAT TYPE OF BUGS U FOUND IN UR PROJECT? I hv completed testing course and preparing for interview..can u please send me the answers as earlier as possible thanks in advance..Help me out please.......
what is traceability matrix ?what is use of that matix ?
how much testing is enough.and why documentation is needed
Give me two reasons why the bug has not been fixed by developer ?
What is Memory Testing> Do you perform ever memory testing on Desktop or Web application ?
explain bug cycle
Want to learn Manual Testing in just two days? Students around Thanjavur, Trichy, Mayavaram and Kumbakonam Mail to manualtestingtraning@gmail.com. Entire Manual Testing Concept. Any doubt regarding IT Job please mail above ID
uses of checklist
Write Boundary value analysis , Equivalence partitioning & Error guessing cases on 1 liter Water Bottle. It should not include functionality Testing cases.?
I have 6 months experience as project tarine and one and a half year experience as software engineer.Should i write taht my total experience id 2 years.
what tests U'll do when u r doing web testing
3 Answers BT, GL Noble Denton,
what is tracebility matrix?
3 Answers InteQ Software, Syntel, Trix,