What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the
difference between them?

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What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / naren

TEST OBJECT:A test object is an object that QuickTest
creates in the test to represent the actual object in the
application.QTP stores information about the object that
will help to identify and check the object during the test

RUNTIME OBJECT:Is an actual object in the application on
which methods are performed during the test run.

Is This Answer Correct ?    36 Yes 10 No

What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / priya

Test objects are basic and generic objects that QTP
recognizes. Run time object means the actual object to
which a test object maps.

Test Object is an object that QT creates in the test to
represent the actual object in the application.QTP will
store information about the object that will help you
identify the object during test run.
Run time Object is an actual object in the application on
which methods are performed during the test run.

Is This Answer Correct ?    10 Yes 5 No

What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / satyanj

Test Object is the state of the object during recording.
Runtime object is the state of the object during running
the test.

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 5 No

What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / mukti prakash

>Test objects are the QTP (HP) defined classes that are used to represent the objects in your application under test (AUT). The information about these objects is stored in object repository.
Runtime objects are the actual AUT objects in your application which a Test object refers to during the test run. The information about these objects can be accessed using Object Spy.
>Test object methods are methods that QuickTest recognizes and records when they are performed on an object while you are recording a test, and that QuickTest performs when your test runs.
Runtime object methods are the methods of the object in your application as defined by the object creator(the developer!). You can access and perform runtime object methods using the .Object property.

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What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / dinesh1433

Test objects are the objects which are stored in Object Repository while recoding application.

Runtime Objects are the objects which are in AUT and while replay the script the Test objects maches the property of AUT object, if it matches then the script doing action on the object.

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What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / naveen

Test Object:

Test Objects are QTp defined Classes used to represent
various objects in applicationunder test.

Run Time Object:

Runtime Objects are actual application under test object
which a Test object refers/points to during test execution.

While running script QTP compares Test Object with Run Time
Object to check Object

Existsence in the application.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 4 No

What is runtime objects and test objects? What is the difference between them?..

Answer / sreekanth,9900697098

while recording qtp lern objects as a runtime objects and
stores into object repository as atest objects.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 23 No

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Hi I'm a beginner in QTP. So far I'm ok with Descriptive but stuck while implementing Hybrid Frame work. 1. I have created a Keyword file with .vbs ext set home=description.create home("title").value="Welcome to feests" set reglink=description.create reglink("name").value="register yourrestaurant / take away" set fbusname=description.create fbusname("name").value="business_name" set dispname=description.create dispname("name").value="display_name" set restchkbox=description.create restchkbox("name").value="restaurant" set cuiscate=description.create cuiscate("name").value="cuisine_categery1" set addline1=description.create addline1("name").value="address_line1" set pstcode=description.create pstcode("name").value="address_postcode" set cntry=description.create cntry("name").value="address_country" set mlandno=description.create mlandno("name").value="landline_no" set emailadd=description.create emailadd("name").value="email" 2. I have created an Function Library file as follows Function launch() bro="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" url="http://www.feests.com/" invokeapplication bro&" "&url Browser(home).page(home).Link(reglink).click End Function Function restregistration(karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK) Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(fbusname).set "karthik" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(dispname).set "teja" Browser(home).page(home).WebCheckBox(restchkbox).set "ON" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cuiscate).Select "Indian" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(addline1).set "Ameerpet" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(pstcode).set "UK" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cntry).select "United Kingdom" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(mlandno).set "023775347" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(emailadd).set "email@gmail.com" End Function 3. This is how I have called the keywords and Functions in QTP executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\keywords.vbs" executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs" launch restregistration karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK, "email@gmail.com" Now the issue is, I'm trying to enter the email ID in WebEdit field. But I dont know what is the mistake I did, if I run the script in QTP it is showing following error Error: Expected identifier Line (2): "executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs"". Can someone help me fix this, please!!?

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