what are the stages of software development life cycle?

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what are the stages of software development life cycle?..

Answer / suresh

Broadly u can catagorize Development stages as
1.Requirement Analysis


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what are the stages of software development life cycle?..

Answer / udaykumar

Second phase is Analysis phase. During this phase, the user
requirements are converted into technical terms or software

So the phases in SDLC are:
1. Information gathering phase
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Coding
5. Testing
6. Maintenance

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what are the stages of software development life cycle?..

Answer / umasankar babu

SDLC Phases are

1.Gathering requirements
2.Feasibility Study
7. Maintenance

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what are the stages of software development life cycle?..

Answer / nagaraju

a company or a parson develop a new software or application follow SDLC stages
1. requirement collection
2. feasibility study
3.design design have two types (high level design) and (low level design)
6.installition or implementation

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what are the stages of software development life cycle?..

Answer / ranjith

requirement collection
feasibility study

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