what is split function?Give me the syntax?

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what is split function?Give me the syntax?..

Answer / guest

Split function will split the String expression accoring to
the split seperator that u mentioned..
For Ex: uname="suresh babu";
count=split(uname,arr1," ");
if u used that functin it will split the string into
two elements namely suresh and babu and store in the arr1
i.e arr1[]="suresh";
and count variable consists of number of elements in the

Any further info..welcome..

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what is split function?Give me the syntax?..

Answer / jagadesh

Split function is used to split the data

Ex:Change the date formate from DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY
using Split Function

(Now the valuse are arr[0]= DD arr[1] = MM arr[2] = YYYY)

Date1 = arr[1]& "/" & arr [0] & "/" & arr[2]
(now Date1 = MM/DD/YYYY)

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what is split function?Give me the syntax?..

Answer / udaykumar

The syntax is incorrect, it does not return any value,
means the no. of values in the array. It simply stores in
the array.
str="Hello uday how r u"
split(str,arr," ");
Here arr[0]="Hello",arr[1]="uday",arr[2]="how",arr[3]

Simply to say it divide like, whenever a space found in the

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