Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected
Properties of the object which later compares with the
actual properties of the object???

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Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected Properties of the object which later compar..

Answer / shruthi

Hi ,

Store your expected property of the object in any variable
or still can parameterise it, and again using any
Environment object you can store the actual property of the
object and compare.

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Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected Properties of the object which later compar..

Answer / firoz shaik

Hi I am Firoz.
Think that, you have to verify the value of a text box,
Dim act, exp
exp = "Firoz"
' for ex, the expected value of the text value is Firoz
then store Firoz in a variable.
act = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").GetROProperty("value")

If Strcomp(Exp, Act, 1) = 0
Msgbox "The expected value"&exp"is same as Actual Value"&Act
Msgbox "The expected value"&exp"is not same as Actual
End If

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Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected Properties of the object which later compar..

Answer / vijay

we can assign it to a variable
act val=<obj hierarchy>,getroprperty().


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Using QTP checkpoint, where do you store your expected Properties of the object which later compar..

Answer / prasad

Dear Shruti,

Pls give an example
How can we create a variable?
which format it should be?
what is its extention??

Pls give an example for an web button.

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