what are eicosanoids?name the three subclasses of

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what are eicosanoids?name the three subclasses of eicosanoids?..

Answer / abhilash

Eicosanoids are biological signalling molecules.
they act as short range messengers affecting tissues near
the cells that produce them.

all 3 sub classes of eicosanoids are
prostaglandins,thromboxanes,leukotrienes,which are unstable
and insoluble in water.
these act primarily on cells very near their point of

phospholipase present in mammalian cells attack the
membrane phospholipids and releases arachidonate.
arachidonate is is conerted into PGH2 precursor of
prostaglandins and thromboxanes.

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what are eicosanoids?name the three subclasses of eicosanoids?..

Answer / aditi

eicosanoids are polyunsaturated fatty acid type of lipid

and yes there 4 subclasses of eicosanoids
1. prostaglandins

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what are eicosanoids?name the three subclasses of eicosanoids?..

Answer / swetha

eicosanoids are signaling molecules made by oxidation of
twenty-carbon essential fatty acids, (EFAs). They exert
complex control over many bodily systems, mainly in
inflammation or immunity, and as messengers in the central
nervous system. The networks of controls that depend upon
eicosanoids are among the most complex in the human
body.There are four families of eicosanoids—the
prostaglandins, prostacyclins, the thromboxanes and the

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