what is difference between black box and white box testing?
In most of the companies which tecnique is used
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Answer / chabs
White box testing Black box testing
------------------ -----------------
1)Done by developers 1)Done by test engineers
2)They should have knowledge 2)They need not have knowled
about the internal design of -ge abt the internal design
the code of the code.
3)They test the logic of the 3)They test the functionality
code of an application against
the requirements
4)They check the data flow 4)They check the output for
for the given input the given input
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Answer / satish v manjunath
Black box testing is a front end testing and can be done
without knowing the knowledge of code.
White box testing is a backend testing and can be done with
the knowledge of coding.
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Answer / chris
blackbox testing is done by test engineer,it is done
without knowledge of internals of the application.it deals
with thetesting the behavior of the application
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Answer / dinesh somwanshi
Black Box testing :A person who can perform Black Box
testing with out having Programing knowledge that is called
as Black Box testing.
White box testing :A person who can perform White Box
testing with having Programing knowledge that is called as
White Box testing.
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Answer / mfsi_priyankaa
Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the
internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being
tested is NOT known to the tester.
White Box Testing is a software testing method in which the
internal structure/ design/ implementation of the item being
tested is known to the tester.
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Answer / chabs
Black box and Whitebox testing is like the 2 faces of the
same coin... developing and testing will go hand in hand. So
both will be used in most of the companies
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