Question 35 – A mixture consists of benzene (B), toluene (T) and xylene (X). At a temperature of 353 K, the data of vapor pressures : B : 754.12, T : 289.71, X : 91.19. Unit is mm Hg. The pressure P is 0.5 atm. The value of k for each substance is k = (vapor pressure) / P. (a) Calculate k for B, T and X. Let L / V = 0.65. (b) By using the equation V = F / [ (L / V) + 1 ], find the value of V when F = 100, then what is the value of L?
1 2403Question 36 - For a mixture of benzene (B), toluene (T) and xylene (X), the equation applies where x for B, T and X will sum up to 1. The equation of x for each component is x = (L / V + 1) (F) / (L / V + K). The data of F for each component are : 0.5 for B, 0.35 for T, 0.15 for X. The data of K for each component are : 1.98 for B, 0.76 for T, 0.24 for X. When x for B + x for T + x for X = 1, find the values of (a) L / V; (b) x for each component of B, T, X respectively. You may use Excel program - Data : What-If-Analysis for Goal Seek to perform the iterative calculations.
1 1999Question 37 - Calculate the bubble temperature T at P = 85-kPa for a binary liquid with x(1) = 0.4. The liquid solution is ideal. The saturation pressures are Psat(1) = exp [ 14.3 - 2945 / (T + 224) ], Psat(2) = exp [ 14.2 - 2943 / (T + 209) ] where T is in degree Celsius. Please take note that x(1) + x(2) = 1. Please take note that y(1) + y(2) = 1, y(1) = [ x(1) * Psat(1) ] / P, y(2) = [ x(2) * Psat(2) ] / P, * is multiplication. P is in kPa.
1 1813Question 38 - The terminal velocity of a falling object, v is given by v = sqrt [ 4g (R - r) D / (3Cr) ] where sqrt is the square root of, g = 9.81, D = 0.000208, R = 1800, r = 994.6, m = 0.000893. The Reynold number, L is given by L = rD (v) / m. The C for various conditions are : C = 24 / L for L < 0.1; C = 24 (1 + 0.14 L^0.7) / L for 0.1 <= L <= 1000; C = 0.44 for 1000 < L <= 350000; C = 0.19 - 80000 / L for 350000 < L. Find the value of v for the situation above by trial and error, ^ is power, <= is less than or equal to.
1 1917Question 39 - Acetone and ethanol are separated using a distillation column with a partial condenser and partial reboiler. An equimolar, sub-cooled liquid feed enters at 100 kmol / hr and condenses 1 mole of vapor for every 6 moles of feed. The separation requires a distillate vapor that is 95 mol % acetone and bottoms liquid that is 5 mol % acetone. The reflux is returned from the condenser to the column as a saturated liquid and the operation is run at (L / V) = 1.4 * (L / V) min. Assume constant overflow conditions. (a) Feed operating line is y = [ q / (q - 1) ] x - z / (q - 1) where z = 0.5 for equimolar liquid mixture of 2 components, q = (L’ - L) / F where L’ = L + F + (F / 6) for condensation of 1 mole of vapor / 6 moles of feed. What is y = f(x)? (b) The rectifying operating line is y = (L / V) x + (D / V) (xd) where (L / V) min goes through the points A (0.95, 0.95) and B (0.53, 0.69), V = L + D. What is y = f(x)? Let xd = 0.95. (L / V) min is the slope of the 2 points A and B.
1 5303Question 40 - A stream with volumetric flow rate Q enters a cylindrical tank and a stream with volumetric flow rate q exits the tank. The fluid has a constant heat capacity and density. There is no temperature change or chemical reaction occurring in the tank. Develop a model for determining the height of the tank, h. Let V is the volume, A is the cross sectional area, r is the density, m is the mass, where V and A are for the tank, r and m are for the fluid. The rate of mass of fluid accumulation, dm / dt = (Q - q) r. Prove the model to be dh / dt = (Q - q) / A.
1 2172Question 41 - According to Raoult's law, the pressure when vapor is completely condensed, P = x(1) P(1) + x(2) P(2) ... + x(n) P(n) when x(1), x(2) ... x(n) are the mole fractions of component 1, 2 ... n and P(1), P(2) ... P(n) are the vapor pressures of component 1, 2 ... n. A vapor at 74 degree Celsius containing 70 mole % water and 30 mole % ethanol is to be completely condensed. At the temperature of 74 degree Celsius vapor pressure is 0.38 atm for water and 0.97 atm for ethanol. What is the minimum pressure the compressor must be operated?
1 1977Question 42 - According to Margules Equation, P = x(1) p(1) g(1) + x(2) p(2) g(2) for a two-component mixture where P is bubble pressure, x is mole fraction, p is saturation pressure, g is constant given by ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2). Find the value of A as a constant when P = 1.08 bar, p(1) = 0.82 bar, p(2) = 1.93 bar in a 50 : 50 mole fraction mixture. Estimate the pressure required to completely liquefy the 30 : 70 mixture using the same equation, by proving P = 1.39 bar. Take note that ln g(2) = x(1) A x(1), ln g(1) = x(2) A x(2).
1 1929Question 43 - In a non-dilute absorber, the inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % carbon dioxide in nitrogen. By contact with room temperature water at atmospheric pressure, 65 % of the carbon dioxide from a gas stream has been removed. (a) Find the mole ratio of carbon dioxide and nitrogen gases at inlet and outlet gas streams. (b) The Henry’s Law provides y = 1640 x for carbon dioxide in water. Find the mole ratio when x = 0.0000427. Mole ratio is y / (1 - y) for y.
1 1953Question 44 - In a non-dilute absorber, graphical method is used to represent the process. In an X - Y coordinate system, X-axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of water and Y axis represents mole of carbon dioxide / mole of nitrogen. The inlet gas stream consists of 8 mol % of carbon dioxide in nitrogen. (a) Find the S / G minimum as a slope that goes through the point (0, 0.0304) and (0.0000488, 0.086957). (b) Find the actual slope of operating line when it is 1.5 times the S / G minimum! (c) Find the value of x for inlet gas stream when y = 1640 x, y is mole fraction of carbon dioxide in nitrogen.
1 1892Question 45 - According to Raoult’s law for ideal liquid, x (PSAT) = yP where x is mole fraction of component in liquid, y is mole fraction of component in vapor, P is overall pressure and PSAT is saturation pressure. A liquid with 60 mole % component 1 and 40 mole % component 2 is flashed to 1210 kPa. The saturation pressure for component 1 is ln (PSAT) = 15 - 3010 / (T + 250) and for component 2 is ln (PSAT) = 14 - 2700 / (T + 205) where PSAT is in kPa and T is in degree Celsius. By assuming the liquid is ideal, calculate (a) the fraction of the effluent that is liquid; (b) the compositions of the liquid and vapor phases. The outlet T is 150 degree Celsius.
1 2888Question 46 - In a steady state one dimensional conduction with no heat generation, the differential equation is d / dx (k dT / dx) = 0. Prove that T(x) = ax + b, where k, a and b are constants. (b) At x = 0, T = c and at x = L, T = d. Prove that T(x) = (d - c) x / L + c for boundary conditions.
1 1983Question 47 - In a cylinder with a hollow, let a is outside radius and b is the inside radius. In a steady state temperature distribution with no heat generation, the differential equation is (d / dr) (r dT / dr) = 0 where r is for radius and T is for temperature. (a) Integrate the heat equation above into T(r) in term of r. (b) At r = a, T = c; at r = b, T = d. Find the heat equation of T(r) in term of r, a, b, c, d.
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