Chemical Engineering Interview Questions
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Why an electromagnetic flow meter cannot be used for gases, steam and oil flow measurements?

1 3177

Why an electromagnetic flow meter cannot be used for gases, steam and oil flow measurements?

4 8886

when liquid stored in spherical vessel,equilibrium shift towards liquid.what is the benefit of it?

1 3632

hi.i m student of chemical engg. and studying in 5 th can i improve my technical knowledge..can u sugest me a link like book or any website..?

3 5245

why should we have to maintain excess air in furnaces and boilers while burning any fuel?


6 11655

what is mass flow rate of steam of 7 kg/cm2 pressure in 1 inch id. pipe.



why u opted for chemical engg?

2 4685

Why is the freezer placed at the top in a refrigerator, why not at the bottom ?

2 20437

Why LMTD is calculated in Heat -Exchanger problems..Why dont we take average temperature??

Aker Solutions,

4 14629

How to size the cooling tower sump / basin for any given circulation rate? What is the guideline?


Why Packed Bed is not preffered in seperation process while Tray column is used in Industries predominatly??

5 9234

What does extreme points in VLE curve represents??

Reddy Labs, Reliance,

4 8185

how to calculate overall heat transfer coefficient in insulated pipeline? Please give a answer with formula


2 7339

What happens when fuel is burned , what are compounds released??

Reddy Labs,

3 6686

What is formula for petrol?

Reddy Labs,

3 6977

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Un-Answered Questions { Chemical Engineering }

what is the hearth and arch pressure in furnace?


What are some typical applications for glass-lined reactors?


why 14.7 pound/inch2 is used in idustries as unit of pressure bcz here not sea level and not a temperature is 0C (zero degree celcius)?????????


What type of heat exchangers are most commonly used for a large-scale plant-cooling loop using seawater as the utility?


how did you spend today


For what ration of Lengh/Dia. of tank (Jacketed tank), maximum heat transfer area is available?


What is gibbs free energy?


How can separation of chiral chemicals affect the chemical and/or pharmaceutical industries?


What are pcbs?


Explain what are the affinity laws associated with dynamics pumps?


What is vapour flooding and liquid floodin in distillation?


Define a solvent?


what r the question asked in interview of gate,is it related to course?


What are the frequently asked technical questions in chemical engineering during PI?


Mention some of the specialized crushing methods?