Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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if we increase frequency of line, then how will string efficiency varies with it.

2 12081

Dear all, Can anybody tell me that how to choose CT for a specific load? I have a 200kw induction motor, which ratio CT should be installed? Is there a formula or calculation that determines the CT ratio for a load? Regards.

2 5538

How to calculate KVA/VA rating of PT or CT from primary & secondary voltage or primary & secondary current?


what is the difference between control transformer and Potential transformer (PT)?

1 3720

is 3-phase induction motor need a starter ? why do it so

Coca Cola,

5 6602

what is the use of the circle diagram

2 4619

what is TRCC

2 13522

How can I calculate per unit (KWH) fuel (Gas/ Diesel both) consumption 1MW unit?


what is brushless generator?

Jk Tyres,

2 4287

Can we perform parallel operation of two transformers when one transformer on load?

3 4133

dear all, can any body explain that how to select an induction motor for a specific mechanical load(inertia). is there any formula or calculation then please give me. i shell be very thankful to all of you. Thank,s and Rgard,s.

1 2496

why secondary terminal of current transformer should not be open circuited?


4 9044

In the formula : Knee point voltage = Burden X alf / class, Please inform what is alf? regards Shashidhar M.R.

2 3475

Will an earth leakage trip be activated if the component or wiring is faulty on low voltage equipment.Example An electrical Cat Scarer placed in the garden and water gets into the wiring.


which type of motor is used in lift ?

7 9122

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Un-Answered Questions { Electrical Engineering }

We have 750KVA DG set, we want to introduce REF relay with 1250/1A,CL PS,Current transformers.The lead distance of 2.5mm copper flexible cable from CT to relay is around 5mtrs.We would like to know the knee point votage(VK) & IM calculion for CT's


how copper and aluminium wires or cables are choose for current rating? please provide copper and aluminium wire selection chart for different current rating ?


In EHV transmission line a neutral grounding reactor is often placed at neutral point of shunt reactors. What is the recommended protection for this neutral grounding reactor? Should I use a fast closing switch to bypass neutral grounding reactor when this protection operates?


How to calculate Number of Earthing Pits....???


What is a feedback in control system?


How we can come to know the substation range,without go through any name plate ?


1.what is difference between ATS & STS main use. 2.what is difference between ACB& VCB With symobles,and main partes, manimum range. 3.How many types of relays and main function.


For a three phase induction motor, what will be the effect on motor if the neutral of the system is shifted to say 20 deg.?


what is the acceptable limit value for Desolve Gas Analysis/


1. what is usage for power factor in industries?? 2.why we need to monitor power factor??


hi Is there any possibilities to find out the rotation of a shaft or something else by using electromagnectic waves or by IR rays.If s then can v change the dir., of rotation of the same by remotely?& how? plz dn't any1 say "NO r CAN'T"


how can i change the rotation of the AC single phase induction motor and show me by diagram


why we use copper earthing for neutral while for body GI.


how calculate gd2 of ht motors


Why syn. Generators are used for the production of electricity?