Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is d main difference between KVA and KWA

Charoen Pokphand,

2 14886

which type of insulation are used on 132kv transmission line

4 13882

which relay is used on long transmission lines

ABB, Bhel, Student, Tata Steel Limited,

10 30020

while calculating demand in my company the present load in kw is 212.... there 125kvar capacitor bank is installed by spliting as 50 in departments...the diasplay in panek biard shows 175kw... how could we know the amount of kvar used to compensate the kva

1 2557

sent to a site and asked to explain how you would like a twenty seven flour building should be supplied with lighting and sockets plus a water boiler.


why DC source is used to idetify the polarity of CT/PT?

1 3291

what is corona ?

3 4643

what is the max. acceptable leakage current in 33kv bus bar



does the power factor of an induction motor improve upon used in parallel with a synchronous condenser , used commonly to provide a leading kva ?

1 2630

can a synchronous motor be made to rotate in a clockwise direction ?

1 3266

why stator winding of synchronous machine are connected in star connection ?

1 15486

what are the protection relays for trasformer

3 5777

size of condotory fron voltage level


How much allowable difference current between on three phases Dear sir, We have a 1870 KW HT motor, 11 Kv supply,FLA-120A,2870 rpm,2-pole squirrel cage induction Motor.And stator is connected in star connection with Liquid resistance stater to limit the starting current.It has coupled with Centrifugal air compressor.My question is it is loading 73% of FLA taking R-phase 86.7 A, Y-phase-85.4A,B-phase- 78.3A.why the B phase current is that much of difference.Is it allowable, or any one tell me how much allowable current.If any method to calculate.

1 5130

What will happen if the rotor of an induction motor is fed from a 3 phase supply and the stator short circuited ?

4 20762

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i want use the cable size 16cx4 core aluminium usege watts 240x2000w this cable size is correct?


harmonics filter


If I want to replace a 26KW Slip ring Motor with a Squirrel Cage motor & Drive (for a Hoist Application). How can I approximate the Motor & Drive HP required in new Setup.


why use phase displacement in transformer.and effect of phase displacement on transformer


What is self exciting?


Define filter?


can any tell me why slope 40% and 80% is calculated in differential protection?


Is there any type of starter for DC motor other than two point,Three point and Four point starters?


If we have 11 kv RYB Phase single core cable near about. Then wht effect and losses


Tell me all plants load factors i.e which plant operating on which load?




Hi My dear all Friends, There is a question regarding HVAC Engineering and widely used in Power Projects. Question- What is the diffrence Between REF, SEF and Differential Protection....???? Where REF - Restricted Earth Fault SEF - Senstive Earth Fault.


What is the Current equation in series RLC circuits.


Explain the fundamental difference between emf (electro motive force) and pd (potential difference) ?


We need to current density & short circuit calculation at 65kA for aluminium & copper busbar.