Analytical Chemistry Interview Questions
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What is the diference between residual solvents and organic volatile matter

RA Chem Pharma,


WHY given much noise PDA dector then VWD Dector


How to decide the standard concentration for related substances hplc method

1 3561

Why we have to use KBr pellet technology ?

1 2556

Why dissolution test performed on six jar?


1 3432

How to determine retention time in Chromatography


2 5033

effect of Ph during analytical run ?

Lambda Therapeutic Research,

1 2336

USP methodology, EP methodology, IP methodology, among three if possible to use one methodology for qualify working standard to use USP, EP, IP ? Please explain...

Srini Pharmaceuticals,


is it necessary to do HPLC calibration at wavelength 315nm if we are doing analysis at this wavelangth

Aarti Drugs,


Which is the highly polar and highly non polar column in HPLC?


What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis (hplc)

1 3794

what is the difference between potentiometric titration and karl fischer titration?


How NMR spectra can be calibrated in presence or absence of TMS?

1 2101

What is Band broading effect explain

Dr Reddys,


we are performed SOR for a particular product the limit is -6 to -10.We face particular bathes it is not meeting the specification.we performed diffrent instrument diffrent analyst we are getting diffrent diffrent results.solvent is dimethyl sulfoxide what could be the reasion



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what is the different in Total ash, sulphated ash, acid insoluble ash, alcoholic or non alcoholic ash?


what is difference in ods I ods II is this is realy from sorbent / packing characteristics or from other means


what is partion and column chromatography


Which type of column should i use to check the purity of high molecular weight protein using HPLC reverse phase column chromatography? Hi everyone. I wanna to check the purity of high molecular weight protein (collagen) with MW of ~130 kDa using a HPLC. I know C18


WHY pKa value is more important than pH value of the mobile phase in HPLC?


How can we calculate offset value pH measurment


please explian me about area normalisation method,diluted standard method,impurity vs impurity and which one has to be selected in method development


which batch require to use for analytical method validation?


function of detecter in hplc ,gc and spectroscopy? function of carrier gas in gc?


what is the difference between potentiometric titration and karl fischer titration?


What is split ratio in Gc? Splitless? how requirr to select?


identification is for unknown? qualification for known? reporting for LOQ?


I have compare C2H2-air and C2H2-N2O flame AAS on determination calcium. Both use same range of std to plot calibration curve. (2-6ppm) When i measure the sample with phosphate, KCl and LaCl, C2H2-N2O flame give false positive result, around 0.5ppm. When i measure the sample with phosphste, KCl and EDTA. C2H2-N2O flame also give 0.5ppm false positive. But both above mentioned sample would not give false positive when measured by C2H2-air flame. What is the reason?


on the basis of bcs class how to proceed the solubility?


what is definition of validation? which components are followed give detail?