Genetics Interview Questions
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what is parkinson's gene?

2 3903

What is gene expression

1 3146

differentiate Mitosis and Meiosis ?

7 13950

what is Regeneration ?

1 2513

what is Punnett square ?

2 4269

what are the sex linked traits in humanbeings?

2 3900

what are splice junction mutations?

1 3578

Does unwinding DNA cause aging?


Is Jurassic Park -- Completely impossible?


Is Recombination in Human Mitochondrial DNA really possible?


what is the Impact Of Gene Cloning?

1 3932

Has vitamin c been produced in a human naturally before?


How do you recognise that it is deoxyribose nucleic acid?

2 3631

what is Sickle Cell Anemia ?

2 3889

what causes heterosexuality?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

Is Jurassic Park -- Completely impossible?


Cystic fibrosis (CF) occurs with a frequency of about 1/2500 Caucasian newborns and is inherited as an autosomal recessive. A woman had an older sister die from complications of this disease. CF is not present among relatives of her husband. Both the woman and her husband have normal phenotypes. What is the chance this couple will have a CF child


A number of plant species have a recessive allele for albinism; homozygous albino (white) individuals are unable to synthesize chlorophyll. If a tobacco plant heterozygous for albinism is allowed to self-pollinate and 500 seeds germinate: a)how many offspring will be the same genotype as the parent? b)how many seedlings would you expect to be white?


bakit magkakaiba ng mukha ang tao


What are the benefits/risks when company traditional and genetically engineered breeding?


In the definition of mutation we say sudden heritable change i the DNA, so what does sudden means here?


Why does RNA have 5 bases and DNA has only 4?


Does a person diagnosed with turner syndrome have trouble hearing? please reply if you have this syndrome or know someone who does.


What is the function of BCSP31gene of Brucella organism?


What is the importance of genetics?


A single base exchange mutation occurs in the promoter of the TRP operon. How the operation of the HIS operon might be affected in two ways?


What is Heterozygote detection?


What is the chemical composition of gene?


What are teaspoons?


Flower position, stem length, and seed shape were three traits that were studied by Mendel. Each is controlled by an independently assorting gene. If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits was allowed to self- fertilize, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to show all three dominant phenotypes?