Genetics Interview Questions
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Gene = cistron = intron + exon?

2 9522

Is codominance inheritance same with incomplete dominance inheritance?

2 4827

Is There any way in which a currently living could be mutated in reality to such a large scale as to which others could see the mutation, such as a third arm?


How is co-dominance different from incomplete dominance

5 6469

is male child have more gentical sequence as of father or mother?

7 6673

why dna has no uricel while rna had?

3 4604

if mutation occurs at the antron region of primary RNA, then what will be it causes?

5 4856

Name three scientists involved in Human Genome Project?

2 3825

father of biology

9 7170

what is totipotency

9 10662

steps involved in transcription

3 5112

Genetic engineering harms or benefits human societyharms? What obstacles must gene therapy overcome? What instrumentation is required for DNA sequence analysis and how does it work?


what is the method used to identify your transformed cells from the plasmid vector?

2 6756

what is virgin sex?



how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


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Un-Answered Questions { Genetics }

Are there alternatives to Genetic Engineering?


In sesame, the one-pod condition (P) is dominant to the three-pod condition (p), and normal leaf (L) is dominant over wrinkled leaf (l). The two characters are inherited independently. Determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the two plants which produce the following progeny: 318 one- pod normal, 98 one-pod wrinkled, 323 three-pod normal and 104 three-pod wrinkled.


Why does RNA have 5 bases and DNA has only 4?


A blastomere was removed from an 8-cell human embryo, and its beta-globin gene was amplified by PCR. The beta-globin DNA was treated with an enzyme that cuts on either side of and within the normal allele (producing a small fragment), but not within the sickle cell allele (producing a large fragment). Electrophoresis of the treated DNA from the blastomere demonstrated the presence of both a large and small fragment derived from the beta-globin genes. How should you interpret this test?


Suppose you are heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele. If the frequency of beta-thalassemia is 1/1600 persons, what is the probabilty that your prospective spouse is heterozygous for a mutant beta-thalassemia allele?


Different between back cross and test cross


What are the 8 steps that are involved in genetic engineering?


how was highschool like for a person diagnosed with turner's syndrome? and really difficult subjects?


sir/ma'm im doing my msc in concern that can go for phd in genetics? and how?? plz help me in this..thank you


What are teaspoons?


Can you name a few potential risks of Genetic Engineering?


Explain in terms of gene product function how a mutant allele can be dominant? recessive?


In mice colored coat is dominant to albinism. Sniffles, a male mouse with a colored coat is mated to Esmeralda, an alluring albino. The resulting litter of six young all had colored fur. The next time around Esmeralda was mated with Whiskers, who was the same color as Sniffles; some of this litter were white. a)What are the probable genotypes of Sniffles, Esmeralda, and Whiskers? b) If a male of the 1st litterwas mated to a colored female of the 2nd litter, what phenotypic ratio might be expected among the offspring? c)What would be the expected results if a male of the 1st litter was mated to an albino from the 2nd?


Does a person diagnosed with turner syndrome have trouble hearing? please reply if you have this syndrome or know someone who does.


what are the genetical reasons behind obesity?