Genetics Interview Questions
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Gene = cistron = intron + exon?

2 9283

Is codominance inheritance same with incomplete dominance inheritance?

2 4621

Is There any way in which a currently living could be mutated in reality to such a large scale as to which others could see the mutation, such as a third arm?


How is co-dominance different from incomplete dominance

5 6097

is male child have more gentical sequence as of father or mother?

7 6196

why dna has no uricel while rna had?

3 4340

if mutation occurs at the antron region of primary RNA, then what will be it causes?

5 4557

Name three scientists involved in Human Genome Project?

2 3585

father of biology

9 6602

what is totipotency

9 10093

steps involved in transcription

3 4880

Genetic engineering harms or benefits human societyharms? What obstacles must gene therapy overcome? What instrumentation is required for DNA sequence analysis and how does it work?


what is the method used to identify your transformed cells from the plasmid vector?

2 6483

what is virgin sex?



how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


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Can you name a few potential risks of Genetic Engineering?


A blastomere was removed from an 8-cell human embryo, and its beta-globin gene was amplified by PCR. The beta-globin DNA was treated with an enzyme that cuts on either side of and within the normal allele (producing a small fragment), but not within the sickle cell allele (producing a large fragment). Electrophoresis of the treated DNA from the blastomere demonstrated the presence of both a large and small fragment derived from the beta-globin genes. How should you interpret this test?


what is the role of Beta-lactamase in Gene Cloning ?


Explain in terms of gene product function how a mutant allele can be dominant? recessive?


What is the chemical composition of gene?


What is Heterozygote detection?


How is Genetic Engineering currently used?


Has vitamin c been produced in a human naturally before?


Flower position, stem length, and seed shape were three traits that were studied by Mendel. Each is controlled by an independently assorting gene. If a plant that is heterozygous for all three traits was allowed to self- fertilize, what proportion of the offspring would be expected to show all three dominant phenotypes?


In hogs a gene that produces a white belt around the animal's body is dominant over its allele for a uniform body. Another independent dominant gene produces fusion of the hoof (syndactyly). Suppose a uniformly colored hog homozygous for syndactyly is mated with a normal footed hog homozygous for the belted character. What would be the phenotype of the F1? If the F1's interbreed, what would be the phenotypic ratio of the F2?


how was school like for someone with turner's syndrome?


Are there additional resources / individuals that you can recommend for my paper?


A single base exchange mutation occurs in the promoter of the TRP operon. How the operation of the HIS operon might be affected in two ways?


To how much extent skin color depends on genes?


The ABO blood system has been employed to settle cases of disputed paternity. Suppose, as an expert in genetics, you are called to testify in a case where the mother is type A, the child is type O and the alleged father is type B. How would you respond to the following statements of the attornies: a. "Since the mother has type A, the type O of the child must have come from the father and since my client is type B, he obviously could not have fatered the child." Made by the attorney of the alleged father. b. "Further tests revealed that this man is heterozygous and therefore he must be the father." Made by the mother's attorney.