Bio Chemistry Interview Questions
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When it functions as a "second messenger", cAMP a) acts outside the cell to influence cellular processes. b) acts "second in importance" to AMP. c) activates all cytosolic protein kinases. d) activates the cAMP-dependent protein kinase.


The reduction-oxidation (Redox) potentials of NADH and FADH2 show that the following reaction is spontaneous: a) FADH2 + NAD+ --> FAD + NADH b) FADH2 + NADP+ --> FAD + NADPH c) NADH + FAD --> NAD+ + FADH2 d) Reactions a) and b) are both spontaneous

1 7160

The ATP synthase of bacteria is an Fl-like particle attached to the a) ends of proto-mitochondria. b) inner surface of the cell (or plasma) membrane. c) outer surface of the cell (or plasma) membrane. d) surface of protonic vesicles.

1 3533

The yield of ATP/glucose unit in glycolysis with glycogen as the glucose source is a) 2.0 b) 2.5 c) 3.0 d) 4.0

1 3330

What was the primary antibody that was used?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 4352

Describe how you used that antibody to visualize β-gal protein?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 5482

Review your data from the entire module. Say we ask you to redo the purification.Is there any step that you could eliminate? Which one? Why can you eliminate it?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

2 3940

Why do proteins that recognize specific DNA sequences usually bind in the major groove of DNA?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

2 4530

An unusual structure is formed at the 5? end of each cellular mRNA. What is it? After this has formed, does the mRNA have a 5? terminus? Explain.

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 3278

Splicing of pre-mRNA involves an unusual phosphodiester bond. Why is it unusual? What parts of the intron/exon form this bond?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 3905

Many genes are regulated in both a negative and a positive manner. The genes mediating lactose metabolism in bacteria are a classical example. What are the two small molecule ligands that control expression of these genes? What does each one do?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 3622

Some proteins profoundly alter the structure of DNA when they bind, bending it far out of its standard B configuration. Where do you think the energy comes from to distort the DNA?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

1 3827

Is there a biochemical test for maltose?

Pace Pharmaceuticals,

2 17594

When starch reacts with iodine, why does it create the characteristic blue-black colour?

Hetero, Pace Pharmaceuticals,

5 19537

Explain about RESPIRATION ?

1 3421

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Un-Answered Questions { Bio Chemistry }

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What are the favorable conditions for formation of cat ions?


What are respectively some remarkable functions of cd4?


how I cell disease is caused?


In the geometrical isomerism, if the similar groups are present on opposite side is called as?


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Who were james watson, francis crik and maurice wilkins?


Since pepsin is a gastric enzyme does it, has acid or basic optimum ph? What happen to pepsin when it passes to the duodenum?


What are the units of ph?


Define co-ordination covalent bond?


How are reaction rates dependent upon free energy changes?


What are the favourable conditions for formation of anions?


Do all proteins have quaternary structure?


What is the primary structure of a protein?