Sciences Interview Questions
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How much should be the minimum size of the ordinary mirror, so that and observer standing at the centre of room is able to see the whole of the height of the wall behind him ?

3 4608

What is the smallest size of plane mirror in which a man can see his fill image length ?

1 3105

On breaking a magnet, how many poles will be got ?

5 5238

What happens, when a magnet is floated on a big cork in a through of water ?

1 3527

How can it be proved that the strength of the North and South poles of the magnet is same ?

2 3906

Why is it dangerous to have a coal fire burning with doors and windows closed ?

2 6180

Why does a diamond cut glass?

2 6011

Why is the sea water saline ?

9 17193

Why it is advised to boil water before drinking ?

1 4738

Why is the percentage of oxygen today the same as it was thousands years ago, even though the whole world inhals it?

1 4473

Why would we all suffocate, if all the green plants were killed ?

1 3816

Why are substances like caustic soda and calcium chloride called hygroscopic substances ?

2 5328

Why is sodium preserved in kerosene oil ?

3 15445

Why is a newly made quit warmer than an old one ?

1 3767

What causes smoke to curl up into the air ?

1 4878

Un-Answered Questions { Sciences }

What is duckering?


What is heavenly ganges ( milky way ) galaxy?


Do the lions or lionesses do most of the hunting in a pride?


What is the difference between simple and facilitated diffusion? Facilitated by which type of molecule does the term “facilitated” mean?


Which is the first atomic submarine of india?


State Taylor's theorem and hence obtain Macluarin's expansion in simplified form


Names of some plants and trees that sleep during the day


How are the waters classified based on the degree of hardness?


What are some examples of chemical changes?


What is the VOR in primates?


Explain what affect does electricity have on soil?


How do nephrologists work collaboratively with other medical specialists in patient care?


Explain the primary energy source for life on earth?


In which country the yak is found?


How to measure neuronal cell differentiation?